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Forums / Female Performer Chat

The Demon Question
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Female Performer Chat: The Demon Question
Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/23/22 @ 2:27pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

At this time of year, it is common for me to retreat from my solitude and to post a few carefully thought-out PSAs regarding the supernatural.

I am afraid that you are going to see some things this month that will make your bl00d run cold for sure.

But I want to assure you that it is not real. None of it. It will all clear up and fade away when the feeble rays of November dawn.

This is not true of all horrors of course. Even now I hear the chittering of crab legs attached to the shell of the thing that once was my mate. Each year I must lock her away in the dungeon of the DoRidian Outthrust. I must hear the sound of claw on iron bar as the wolves serenade me.

But I am here to testify that not once have I encountered a demon possession. In no private room. In no chat.

I am still in possession of a purely rational world view. So, take heart. Carry the relics that you must in order to navigate this world. You are not treading the dread path alone.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/23/22 @ 2:40pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

I will go further... and point an accusing finger at the gaggle of girls that were the demise of numerous good souls in Salem. Once the false shroud of the supernatural is pulled away it is possible to see the machinations of the greedy, villainous, scheming underbelly of that poor village.

We no longer deal in spectral evidence in our courts. We can no longer be manipulated by pinched skin between devious te-enager's fingers that is claimed to be the devil's bite. Our climb has brought dignity. Oyer and Terminer are powerless now.

Do not stoop to entertain ergot theories. Look with hard and suspicious eyes at the root cause of maladies: base human evil.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/23/22 @ 3:18pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

But these matters are complicated. I must gather my stout and brood in ale house over Cotton and Increase Mather. The Wonders of the Invisible World.

What threads I have gathered I have had to gather on my own buck. They have disappeared from discussion in my circles.

Yes it is that time. That place. That must be brooded over.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/23/22 @ 5:44pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

I have a keen eye toward the use of puppies in great literature. So I latched immediately upon the trial of Susanna Martin, described in Cotton Mather's book, in which puppies figured significantly. From the testimony of John Kembel against the Prisoner.

John Kembel desired to buy a puppy from Susanna Martin. She would not let him choose the one. But f0rced one upon him. He refused. Upon learning of this from her husband Susanna uttered the classic:

If I live, I'll give him puppies enough!

Then follows the horrid manifestation of Evil that stalks this Earth:
"Within a few days after,
this Kembal, coming out of the Woods, there arose a little Black Cloud in the N.W. and Kembal immediately felt a
f0rce upon him, which made him not able to avoid running upon the stumps of Trees, that were before him, albeit he had a broad plain Cart-way, before him ; but tho' he had his Ax also on his Shoulder to endanger him in his Falls,
he could not forbear going out of his way to tumble over
them . When he came below the Meeting House, there
appeared unto him, a little thing like a Puppy, of a Darkish Colour; and it shot backwards and forwards between his
Legs. He had the Courage to use all possible Endeavours of Cutting it with his Ax ; but he could not Hit it : the
Puppy gave a jump from him, and went, as to him it seem'd ,
into the Ground . Going a little further, there appeared
unto him a Black Puppy, somewhat bigger than the first,
but as Black as a Cole. Its Motions were quicker than those of his Ax ; it flew at his Belly and away ; then at
his Throat ; so, over his Shoulder one way, and then over his Shoulder another way. His Heart now began to fail
him, and he thought the D0g would have tore his Throat"

It continues in the vein for quite some time. And this was not all the testimony offered against this fearsome Foe!

Created by: sirlickslot69

10/23/22 @ 5:46pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Southeastern USA
Posts: 646

Lord help us ... He's off his meds. again... :( :mad :evil :angel :smoking
Created by: zuzar1

10/23/22 @ 6:32pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: California
Posts: 220

I am failing to see a question about demons let alone THE QUESTION, whatever it might be.
Created by: sirlickslot69

10/23/22 @ 7:42pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Southeastern USA
Posts: 646

I am failing to see a question about demons let alone THE QUESTION, whatever it might be.

LOL 😁😁😁It's Dudley..😒 when he gets off his meds, he types random idiocies in the forums.. Time to call the sanatorium again..😵🤔🤭🤭

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/23/22 @ 11:14pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

Yes, I see the problem. A witch done in by puppies may be amusing, especially when told by a studious man like Cotton, but is not technically a demon.

But I live in a big city. And just this weekend I encountered two examples that are part of my daily routine that might have stumped Cotton. One is in the form of a man who lives on the street apparently in between my office and a restaurant area that I walk to. Another is a man who sometimes comes round my apartment complex.

You know the type I am sure. The kind who cannot sit still a moment without babbling loudly some crazy stuff. Today many would say these are suffering from some kind of mental illness. Probably suggest a type and a relief for some symptoms. I pass by them not able to help really because I lack training and resources. I am sure other countries have other strategies for helping that might get them off the street.

Kind of a boring question in a way. Hence easier to revert to puppies. You can see it just amounts to being able to see the world in a way where something can be done. Part of that boring world full of dusty books, and plots of data. Guys in white lab coats. Where government is about responsible governing and not some kind of circus.

' Least that is how it seems to me. I'll let you know if I start carrying some fleabane or such when I go near these guys as I go about my day.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/25/22 @ 10:40pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

Now, it was not willy-nilly mob action that was active in Salem during that time. Even after the passion burned out and people moved on, Cotton made rational defense of the war against the supernatural. See here his reproduction of a set of criteria for how to detect a witch, which he knew had to exist because of scripture:

An Abstract of Mr. Perkin’s way for the
Discovery of Witches.
I. There are Presumptions, which do at least Probably and Conjecturally
note one to be a Witch. These, give Occasion to Examine,
yet they are no Sufficient Causes of Conviction:
II. If any man or woman, be notoriously defamed for a Witch;
this yeelds a strong Suspition. Yet the Judge ought Carefully to Look,
that the Report be made by men of Honesty and Credit. III. If a Fellow
Witch, or Magician, give Testimony of any Person to be a Witch;
this indeed is not sufficient for Condemnation; but it is a fit Presumption,
to cause a strait Examination. IV. If after Cursing there follow
Death, or at least, some mischief: for Witches are wont to practise
their mischievous Facts, by Cursing and Banning: This also is a
sufficient matter of Examination, tho’ not of Conviction. V. If after
Enmity, Quarrelling, or Threatening, a present mischief do’s follow;
that also is a great Presumption. VI. If the Party suspected be
the Son or Daughter, the man-servant or maid-servant, the Familiar
Friend; near Neighbour, or old Companion, of a known and Convicted
Enchantments Witch; This may be likewise a presumption: for Witchcraft is an Art,
that may be Learn’d, and Convey’d from man to man. VII. Some
add this for a Presumption; If the party Suspected be found to have
the Devils mark; for it is Commonly thought, when the Devil makes
his Covenant with them, he alwayes Leaves his mark behind them,
whereby he knows them for his own:—a mark, whereof no Evident Reason,
in Nature can be given. VIII. Lastly, If the party Examined be
Unconstant, or Contrary to himself, in his Deliberate Answers, it argueth
a Guilty Conscience, which stops the Freedom of Utterance. And
yet, there are causes of Astonishment, which may befal the Good, as
well as the Bad. IX. But then there is a Conviction, discovering the
Witch; which must proceed from just and sufficient proofs, and not
from bare Presumptions. X. Scratching of the Suspected Party, and
Recovery thereupon; with several other such weak proofs; as also, the
Fleeting of the Suspected Party, thrown upon the Water; These proofs
are so far from being sufficient, that some of them, are after a sort,
practices of Witchcraft. XI. The Testimony of some Wizzard, tho’ offering
to show the Witches face in a Glass; This I grant, may be a good
presumption, to cause a strait Examination; but a sufficient proof of
Conviction, it cannot be. If the Devil tell the Grand-Jury, that the
Person in Question, is a Witch, and offers withal, to confirm the same
by Oath, should the Inquiry Receive his Oath or Accusation to Condemn
the man? Assuredly No. And yet, that is as much as the Testimony of
another Wizzard, who only by the Devils Help, Reveals the Witch.
XII. If a man being dangerously Sick, and like to Dy, upon Suspicion,
will take it on his Death, that such an one hath Bewitched him, it is
an Allegation of the same Nature, which may move the Judge to Examine
the Party; but it is of no moment for Conviction. XIII. Among
the sufficient means of Conviction, the first is, the Free and Voluntary
Confession of the Crime, made by the Party Suspected, and Accused, after
Examination. I say not, that a bare Confession is sufficient, but a
Confession after due Examination, taken upon pregnant presumptions.
What needs now more Witness, or further Enquiry? XIV. There is
a second sufficient Conviction, by the Testimony of Two Witnesses, of
Good and Honest Report avouching before the Magistrate upon their
own Knowledge, these two Things: either that the Party Accused, hath
made a League with the Devil, or hath done some known practices of
Witchcraft. And, all Arguments that do Necessarily prove either
of these, being brought by two sufficient Witneßes, are of F0rce,
fully to Convince the Party Suspected. XV. If it can be proved that the
Party Suspected, hath called upon the Devil, or desired his Help; this
is a pregnant proof of a League formerly made between them. XVI.
If it can be proved, that the Party hath Entertained a Familiar Spirit,
and had Conference with it, in the Likeness of some visible Creatures:
here is Evidence of Witchcraft. XVII. If the Witnesses affirm upon
Oath, that the Suspected person, hath done any Action, or work, which
neceßarily infers a Covenant made: as that he hath used Enchantments;
Divined of things before they come to pass, and that peremptorily;
Raised Tempests; caused the Form of a Dead Man to appear; it
proveth sufficiently that he or she is a Witch. This is the Su-bstance
of Mr. Perkins
Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/25/22 @ 11:13pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

And the previous was not the only list supplied. And his book is a long weighty tome. For nobody can say he wasn't thorough.

The trial narratives are pretty scary when read by someone with modern sensibilities. Those are popular fare.

But my first impression, when dipping a toe into this world, was just how high the knob was turned up regarding frequency of malicious interaction. This was not an occasional encounter... it was a spirit invasion. The devil seemingly had very little constraining him. And he doted a great deal upon Salem.

The resolution of the whole she-bang was not very encouraging. Ask: what caused the hangings and imprisonments to fizzle out? Eventually?

What justice was visited upon the instigators? Were they even charged?

What guards us today from the re-introduction of spectral evidence into our courts and witch trials?

Notice in particular trials the sheer number of those who came forward to condemn their neighbors. Sobering.

And all this in 1693. Cotton a Fellow of the Royal Society. Yes, something to brood upon indeed.

Created by: sirlickslot69

10/26/22 @ 4:43am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Southeastern USA
Posts: 646

And the previous was not the only list supplied. And his book is a long weighty tome. For nobody can say he wasn't thorough.

The trial narratives are pretty scary when read by someone with modern sensibilities. Those are popular fare.

But my first impression, when dipping a toe into this world, was just how high the knob was turned up regarding frequency of malicious interaction. This was not an occasional encounter... it was a spirit invasion. The devil seemingly had very little constraining him. And he doted a great deal upon Salem.

The resolution of the whole she-bang was not very encouraging. Ask: what caused the hangings and imprisonments to fizzle out? Eventually?

What justice was visited upon the instigators? Were they even charged?

What guards us today from the re-introduction of spectral evidence into our courts and witch trials?

Notice in particular trials the sheer number of those who came forward to condemn their neighbors. Sobering.

And all this in 1693. Cotton a Fellow of the Royal Society. Yes, something to brood upon indeed.

Lord help us all!!!

:helpme :helpme :helpme :helpme :winkwink :( :orglaugh :)
Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/26/22 @ 9:13pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

Hear ye more from that case of Susanna Martin! Hear ye Cotton's intro and her initial testimony!

Susanna Martin, pleading, Not Guilty, to the Indictment
of Witchcrafts brought in against her, there were
produced the evidences of many persons very sensibly and
grievously Bewitched; who all complaned of the prisoner at
the Bar, as the person whom they Believed the cause of their
Miseries. And now, as well as in the other Trials, there was an
extraordinary endeavour by witchcrafts, with Cruel and Frequent
Fits, to hinder the poor sufferers, from giving in their
complaints; which the Court was f0rced with much patience
to obtain, by much waiting and watching for it.
II. There was now also an Account given, of what passed
at her first examination before the Magistrates. The cast of
her eye, then striking the Afflicted People to the ground,
whether they saw that Cast or no; there were these among
other passages, between the Magistrates, and the Examinate.
Magistrate. Pray, what ails these People?
Martin. I don’t know.
Magistrate. But, what do you think ails them?
Martin. I don’t desire to spend my Judgment upon it.
Magistrate. Don’t you think they are Bewitch’d?
Martin. No, I do not think they are.
Magistrate. Tell us your thoughts about them then.
Martin. No, my thoughts are my own when they are in,
but when they are out, they are anothers. Their Master.---
Magistrate. Their Master? Who do you think, is their
Martin. If they be dealing in the Black Art, you may
know as well as I.
Magistrate. Well, what have you done towards this?
Martin. Nothing at all.
Magistrate. Why, ‘tis you or your Appearance.
Martin. I cannot help it.
Magistrate. Is it nor Your Master? How comes your Appearance
to hurt these?
Martin. How do I know? He that appear’d in the shape
of Samuel, a Glorify’d Saint, may Appear in any ones shape.
It was then also noted in her, as in others like her, that if
the Afflicted went to approach her, they were flung down to
the Ground. And, when she was asked the Reason of it, she
said, I cannot tell; it may be, the Devil bears me more Malice than
Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/26/22 @ 9:22pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

Hear ye, Hear ye I say! The damning testimony of John Allen that appears in the next section! Let not his words 'er be forgotten!

III. The Court accounted themselves Alarum’d by these
things, to Enquire further into the Conversation of the Prisoner;
and see what there might occur, to render these Accusations
further credible. Whereupon, John Allen, of Salisbury,
testify’d, that he refusing, because of the weakness of his
Oxen, to cart some Staves, at the request of this Martin, she
was displeased at it, and said, It had been as good that he had; for
his Oxen should never do him much more Service. Whereupon, this
Deponent said, Dost thou threaten me, thou old Witch: I’l throw thee
into the Brook : Which to avoid, she flew over the Bridge, and
escaped. But, as he was going home, one of his Oxen Tired,
so that he was f0rced to Unyoke him, that he might get him
home. He then put his Oxen, with many more, upon Salisbury
Beach, where Cattle did use to get Flesh. In a few days, all
the Oxen upon the Beach were found by their Tracks, to have
run unto the mouth of Merrimack-River, and not returned; but
the next day they were found come ashore upon Plum-Island.
They that sought them, used all imaginable gentleness, but
they would still run away with a violence that seemed wholly
Diabolical, till they came near the mouth of Merrimack-
River ; when they ran right into the Sea, swimming as far as
they could be seen. One of them then swam back again, with
a swiftness, amazing to the Beholders, who stood ready to receive
him, and help up his Tired Carcase: but the beast ran
furiously up into the Island, and from thence, thorough the
Marishes, up into Newbury Town, and so up into the Woods;
and there after a while found near Amesbury. So that, of Fourteen
good Oxen, there was only this saved: the Rest were all
cast up, some in one place, and some in another, Drowned
Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/26/22 @ 9:33pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

I will spare you the next in the gruesome chain. As did affect only a single cow. And ye crave an appearance to be described! So let us go to the much abused Bernard Peache's testimony!

V. Bernard Peache testify’d, That being in Bed, on a Lords
day Night, he heard a scrabbling at the Window, whereat he
then saw, Susanna Martin come in, and jump down upon the
Floor. She took hold of this Deponents Feet, and drawing his
Body up into an Heap, she lay upon him, near Two Hours;
in all which time he could neither speak nor stirr. At length,
when he could begin to move, he laid hold on her Hand, and
pulling it up to his mouth, he bit three of her Fingers, as he
judged, unto the Bone. Whereupon she went from the Chamber,
down the Stairs, out at the Door. This Deponent thereupon
called unto the people of the House, to advise them,
of what passed; and he himself did follow her. The people
saw her not; but there being a Bucket at the Left-hand of
the Door, there was a drop of Bl00d found on it; and several
more drops of Bl00d upon the Snow newly fallen abroad.
There was likewise the print of her two Feet just without the
Threshold; but no more sign of any Footing further off.
At another time this Deponent was desired by the Prisoner,
to come unto an Husking of Corn, at her House; and
she said, If he did not come, it were better that he did ! He went not;
but the Night following, Susanna Martin, as he judged, and
another came towards him. One of them said, Here he is ! but
he having a Quarter-staff, made a Blow at them. The Roof of
the Barn broke his Blow; but following them to the Window,
he made another Blow at them, and struck them down; yet
they got up, and got out, and he saw no more of them.
About this time, there was a Rumour about the Town,
that Martin had a Broken Head; but the Deponent could say
nothing to that.
The said Peache also testify’d, the Bewitching of Cattle to
Death, upon Martins Discontents.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/26/22 @ 9:40pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

I must confess the laying upon by a late night visitor has given me a nasty boner. And I must stop the good fight to get some relief.

Oh why doesn't anyone come in at my window and hold me down?

No matter, I will use my own staff to cover screen in protective white glaze. Oh if only I had some buxom witch's tits to annoint so.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/27/22 @ 8:37am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

Oh now I have payd for my insolence! A witch of most fearsome visage hath stopped my mouth with unshaved snatch as she came floating thru my fifth floor window.

She hath mounted my disobedient rod and taken me into her. And pistoned her large unholy ass to wreak great havoc..

Oh how I fought to no avail. But did succeed at marking her smooth, warm, tan skin with teeth and clenched hand!

For which I was rewarded with tit smacks to my innocent face! And the full weight of her writhing, seductress body on my face. My face that has now been splashed with squirt from Hell's most prodigious geyser. And I must go into LA towne with her marks all over me. And bear the shame of my wicked life allowing her in.

Her hair was long and thickened with witch wig. Her nails a vicious color that made her long gnarled fingers bright as she made her clit swell and harden., How wide she could opt her legs and how fearless she was to be ripped free of every shred of covering. My mattress still bears my imprint from how deep her pounding pinned me in. Unable to move save for my manhood jetting my response deep in her gulf.

At one point she tried to disengage and retreat back through window. But I pulled her back down and made her finish her evil work, over and over and over.

Wolves howled! The creature in my basement screamed for release and to join the mad engagement. She was freed by some spell and my mind now reels with the impact of the dread threesome. My precious ejaculate, every sperm of which is sacred, has now made Evil pregnant. And who knows what will come out of those wombs!

So lay low and be humble. Heed my warning. Lest ye suffer the tumult and mind searing experience that I have had to face.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/27/22 @ 8:56am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

And with eyes opt with the passion of the flesh's fever, let me further add:

Every act you perform is Serious. Each echoes in the afterlife. What your unshaved snatch cannot hide is the track of the devil's witch stick upon and within.

Moan and shake! Do your geyser over innocent man shanks!

Oyer and Terminer may arise once again! Like a zombie from his confining grave.

Dance while you may! Wiggle and gyre!

As I waddle into LA towne with cracks in my hips, and get my morning diet C0ke brace, I will offer meditation upon the plight of all caught in Hell's clutches.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

10/28/22 @ 10:41am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

It's rathaire dull in town I think I'll go by the sea ooooooooo

Me mastaire eez gone ahnd zo ahn cahn walk in quiet revairee yooooooom

Maybay laytair I will go I-hopping and score some scones ahnd beetaire tea

ooooooo oooooo.... oooooo woooooooooo wooden tit be...... lovairlay

All aye wants is ay coven sahm wair...

Fair ayeway from the cald naight air...

To hold a gent down for hours een ay nor moose chaiyre

oooooooooooooooooo wooden tit be loverleee

Lot's of bouncin' on his wee...

Uh oh is that a crab woman comin for me?

Owwww eets all a meeestaireeee

Of how.... it got so lovairleeeeeeee

Ow sow loverly loops hees hands that I ken mark me steel...

I weel nevair budge till familiar trips over the window sill!

Lots of cock meat for may to eeet

Fill me up with throbbeeen man meat!

Slap him with cald weetches teat!

Owwwwwwwwwwww isint it sow loverly

Loooooverly. Loverly!

Created by: mad_assistant

10/28/22 @ 12:51pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 67

It’s like being on acid reading Dudley's post’s The demon seems to have got to him 🤔🤔🤔
Created by: sirlickslot69

10/28/22 @ 8:03pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: Southeastern USA
Posts: 646

It’s like being on acid reading Dudley's post’s The demon seems to have got to him 🤔🤔🤔

:) :orglaugh :orglaugh :orglaugh :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

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