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Angel in Disguise
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Female Performer Chat: Angel in Disguise
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/6 @ 10:43pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

bom ba bom ba bom... ba bomba

You're... just... an angel in disguise
who wandered down from up above.
you're just a heavenly surprise...
who came to earth for me to love.
That's right. You know you are.
This introduction to an angel is more than thrilling it leaves me shy...
but in as much as you're an angel I'm willing to teach my timid heart to fly.
Yes fly...
hmmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hmmmmmm
I... simp..ply don't know what to do...
I am not accustomed to these things...
perhaps the smartest thing to do...
is take these scissors to your wings...
then I'll be sure you're mine forever
and can never return above...
I'll have an angel in disguise... all mine...
to looooooove
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/7 @ 7:25am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

It is so critical to find your perfect match. It is so wise to meditate upon it. Every aspect of it.

Fortunately for you, cheri, you are dealing with men. Who can bring all their many facets to the task. Your labor in this regard is thus never in vain. And you can be orthogonal if needs be.

From my great height... looking down upon the struggle... I can cheer you on. Comment on strategy. Serve refreshment to keep you hydrated. Ponder ethics. Give fashion tips.

Yes the world loves lovers. You are not alone. There is sympathy for your cause.

Why even now I am writing an article in Zeitung fur Morphospatzieren Gefahren fur die Zwei Body Probleme. In this Age there are more journal articles then all previous. Great minds and grant money galore in your service.

I feel your excitement at the new frontiers to be explored. The great breakthroughs coming your way.

Yesssss! Yesssss! Ever since a four legged thing arose from the muddy substrate and called itself man this destiny was the inevitable result of millions and millions of years of steep steady climb!

WE... ARE.... .... .... ... ALIVE!!!!!!

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/7 @ 8:08am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

First, let me stretch out and get out of all confinement. There are soooo many shackles to pop out of. It boggles the mind. Just boggles the very mind.

I'll cut away all promises, oaths, treaties and conventions. All expectations. Hitting that wide open desert highway with new, broken in dragster.

To operate the surgeon must have a well lit, prepared space with power, an absence of k1ds and pets.

No haggling about qualifications. Qualifications, pffffft! Let me just arrange myself in this easy chair, take cigar and eight different types of driink, in grand leisurely style. Letting an undulled mind wander where it will.

Talking out loud as it pleases me. A man in his castle. Within the four walls that he has set up in the wilderness, by his wits, his sweat. Resting now and savoring his triumph over his environment.

Why the natural result of what is clearly a progressive evolution. A great rarity. The very reason why this bit of the universe, this locality, is special.

Yeeees. Yeees. Take plenty of time on this part of the process. Wallow in it. Multiple trips to the mirror. Eyes caapturing the perfection from every angle. Not... gonna... change... a hair!

Gotta get more mirrors. More lights with just the right kinda bulbs. Music just how I like. Changing tune at my whim. Yes, and pronouncing that "h" as I savor the word. My whim. No tyrant in between interpolating.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/8 @ 1:36am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

In times of great trial... you reach down deep and act on all you have learned, all you feel, go with your gut.

Do you look at the early riser, working out, training for his sport, do you look at him and say he wastes his time in his drill?

When Alexander broke off his slow roll to the right and smashed through that gap in his enemy's ranks to drive armored spear at the quaking king... was this sheer impulsive act? or was it the culmination of years of training? keen observation. thought.

But perhaps I am speaking to the reader of cliff notes. The give me bullet points leader.

If you love the game, sweat the sweat, put in the time... I know that somewhere in your experience you have learned this. It has given you what you value most.

What more crucial game is there than this. In what other game are you so free to make the rules and reap the reward for your wisdom.

Created by: curtispainter

6/9 @ 9:17am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

There are no angels here. All devils. Angels do not strip and/or masturbate for money.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/9 @ 9:25am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

Great literature has lessoned on it... celebrated it.

The case I am thinking upon at the moment involves a young man at that critical time of life. Living in a time distant from ours. Governed by different conventions and beset by different dangers.

He knew who he wanted. And wanted for noble reasons. His selection and great care in it giving hint at his worth that was hidden from view as it so often is when young and that long string of decisions one makes in life was just a shoe string length.

He was literally presented three caskets and had to choose between them to win his love. Waiting his turn and his chance as his fierce competition had their chance.

He won his love. Was immediately rewarded by her saving a dear friend of his from a cruel fate at the hands of a doddering justice system that needed her wits desperately. Was brought home in loving way to her reign as his queen.

In the hands of a master you can imagine such a tale woven so richly, so full of goodness and wisdom. Wholly in the public domain and to be acquired with only a little effort and patience.

But, from our more enlightened time, it is also possible to see gross errors and needless suffering apparently tolerated or not visible just yet to the wise men at that time. F0rcing, as always, the need to separate the morsel from the grit. In fact this very realization and exercise is part of that process in which a mature, strong intellect is forged in this complicated existence. A merely trade school education without some leavening with classics does short change the citizen.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/10 @ 12:16am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

You are doing just fine, sunshine.

You are working hard and bringing joy into this sad world. You keep positive and you give better than you get. You show courage and conviction when the chips are down. You stand by your friends and pick them well. The world needs you. You inspire me. You keep my heart warm and young.

But what's all this? I thought this was just fun and games. One wink at we are back again.

Created by: blackciover

6/12 @ 12:54pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 3

There are no angels here. All devils. Angels do not strip and/or masturbate for money.

According to whom? Is that written in an "Angelic Rulebook" somewhere? I think not. The only reason that sex has been made a negative thing for any reason was because some men in power were upset they couldn't get any...

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/12 @ 7:05pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

According to whom? Is that written in an "Angelic Rulebook" somewhere? I think not. The only reason that sex has been made a negative thing for any reason was because some men in power were upset they couldn't get any...

I'd add that the supernatural is something I've never seen any evidence for. That rule makers claimed even more outrageously that they knew the mind of god. It had been, supposedly, revealed to them.

My hope was to get metaphorical lol. But these days you seem to always need to state your assumptions lol.

:angel :angel :angel :angel :angel :angel
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/13 @ 5:03am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

I'd add that the supernatural is something I've never seen any evidence for. That rule makers claimed even more outrageously that they knew the mind of god. It had been, supposedly, revealed to them.

My hope was to get metaphorical lol. But these days you seem to always need to state your assumptions lol.

:angel :angel :angel :angel :angel :angel

To add to the confusion, duty compels me to add that I dwell in a city, or suburb of a city, called in another language: "the angels". Which many of us have taken to mean that we are really sweet. And ignore that it is a shortening of a much longer original name.

So while it is tempting to claim that it is in fact I that is the angel along with my fellow Angelinos, this would get me the yellow flag from the referee. If he tried to show me a yellow card, instead, I would probably draw a red card as I assert my allegiance to the oblong ball of laced leather, the ol' pigskin, rather than the checkered round. If I kick it, does it not roll? If I puncture it, does it not deflate?
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/13 @ 5:25am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

To add to the confusion, duty compels me to add that I dwell in a city, or suburb of a city, called in another language: "the angels". Which many of us have taken to mean that we are really sweet. And ignore that it is a shortening of a much longer original name.

So while it is tempting to claim that it is in fact I that is the angel along with my fellow Angelinos, this would get me the yellow flag from the referee. If he tried to show me a yellow card, instead, I would probably draw a red card as I assert my allegiance to the oblong ball of laced leather, the ol' pigskin, rather than the checkered round. If I kick it, does it not roll? If I puncture it, does it not deflate?

So as you clamor for justice, consider this: mercy.

It is the quality that blesses both the giver and receiver. It dwells in the heart and warms the soul. It shows rulers to be more than powerful. Wise and kind. The manifestation of love and virtue.

But is also the thing that a scoundrel should dread if he exploits it. For after offering it, a wise and good heart can be ruthless and terrible with clean conscience as that offer is rejected. The offering and rejection in fact can show the deep villainy very clearly. Better to be merciful, fair and loving, than catch the full f0rce of justice oneself.

And for good ol' pete's sake.... if you are given a ring hold onto it!

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/13 @ 5:25am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/16 @ 1:20pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

We were sailing along...
On moonlight bay.

We could hear the voices ringing...
they seemed to say:

"You have stolen my heart...
now don't go 'way"

As we sang Love's old sweet song on Moonlight bay

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/16 @ 1:32pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

What can one generation say to another on this subject? When it is so subjective, so personal.

All we can do is advise the patient to be wise and consider all things.

Hollywood has a few takes. Literature several others. All the faiths of course offer counsel, law and ceremony.

The experience of others around us. Yes. Both by living example and practical advice, cautionary tales.

I hope you enjoy the process. The friends won in the journey. The adventure of it all.

And don't be too hard on yourself. It is your decision. Comically unfair if you hold yourself to make one choice early in life that binds for all time, without regard to what you learn along the way. Ah well, that too is your decision.

Now I will sip my diet c0ke with self-satisfied air thinking that I somehow deserve some credit for your wise choice.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/16 @ 8:09pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

I am one with many cautionary tales...

I nearly found happiness with none other than the famous Lady of the Lake. It went something like this... this... this... this...

Minister: You may say your vows now.

Ride: Oh my love, ever since I saw you clad in samite, dealing blades to royals I was smitten. Such verve! Such style! You got it siister!

LoL: blub blub bluuub.... .... ... gaaaaaaahhhhh...fwawghhhhhrrrrrr... blub... blub... blub.... ... .... ....

*sniiff* It plagues me to this day. I should never have gone along with that under the Hawaiian waterfall ceremony.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/18 @ 8:09am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

No, I mean it. That relationship was my most challenging.

Have you ever stood over an icy lake in mid January needing to smash through to the one you love?

Have you ever had in laws with names like Toad in the Hole, Speckled Salamander, Jersey Water Bug?

Have you ever had to argue over the virtues of wet suits over soaked samite? Or had to resist cracks about your mate's clients, especially as seen through the refractive, dispersive media in which she habitually dwells?

On the other hand I learned a lot. As you do. About preventing rust on great swords, going with the current instead of fighting it, foods to eat at five fathoms, and how to avoid always suggesting my place instead of hers.

But the heart wants what it wants. At least until the brain finally clears its throat.

Created by: curtispainter

6/18 @ 8:29pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

No, I mean it. That relationship was my most challenging.

Have you ever stood over an icy lake in mid January needing to smash through to the one you love?

Have you ever had in laws with names like Toad in the Hole, Speckled Salamander, Jersey Water Bug?

Have you ever had to argue over the virtues of wet suits over soaked samite? Or had to resist cracks about your mate's clients, especially as seen through the refractive, dispersive media in which she habitually dwells?

On the other hand I learned a lot. As you do. About preventing rust on great swords, going with the current instead of fighting it, foods to eat at five fathoms, and how to avoid always suggesting my place instead of hers.

But the heart wants what it wants. At least until the brain finally clears its throat.

The heart is a fool. Treat these women as internet sluts and you will be fine.
Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/19 @ 7:14am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

The heart is a fool. Treat these women as internet sluts and you will be fine.

The only danger I feel on the site is coming to believe in my own fantasies which can turn into delusions. As long as I keep my tether to reality there is only fun not problems.

Ain't that how it is in life in general. The honest man rests easy and stays on the straight and narrow. The crooked man, who plays games with truth, can lose himself in his own delusions.

Don't even start on the corrupting influence of money and power. Here I pay money for a straight-forward service. There are no power games or political favors. I am not licking the boots of someone who may advance some interest of mine or not as it pleases them. Nope. Easy peasy. And I sure don't believe I am offending some higher power who, if did exist, would surely not care about such trivialities as has to deal with running a rather large universe.

On sure footing s0n. Just sure footing.

Created by: dudley_do_ride

6/26 @ 6:31am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

OK, OK...

I have been slacking off a bit. One of the biggest strains on a marriage is differences in ch1ld raising philosophies. Loving your mate is easy. You can admire someone a great deal but be mortally opposed to the plans they have for educating your young 'un. Or just be exhausted by the very idea of having to raise one or two or three with that fun but no good at the hard choring work spouse of yours. If you have to avoid serious subjects to keep the peace, if one of you seems continually pushed to the side in such matters, well...

Beware the spouse who is not listened to. If your gaggle of friends are your inner circle of wisdom and played constantly against the ideas of your mate... well...

Whatever your situation you love your partner dearly. One trick is to remember that and empathize, feel their hurt from small things. It is so easy to miss suffering, to be surprised to the core by how bad it has gotten for your poor dear partner because of your focus on the supposedly bigger issues of the day.

But people miss such things all the time. Ditto politics. Many systems would work just fine with tender, loving and wise hearts at the controls. Some systems f0rce some degree of ruthlessness for mere survival. But the best governors have known the season for each quality and managed complexity. You really should choose them wisely.

But you know all this already. And who am I to counsel anyone, right? Didn't I let baseballs through my quivering knees when some deranged little league coach set up a no glove ball stopping dr1ll as he gleefully cracked them at me with big swings of his bat? And then traded me to some other team so he could just win baby, kings of the little league. Didn't I let trout off my line when lightning struck too near the boat? I was a willful ch1ld who dared question his betters at the earliest of ages. Surely I wasn't given enough of these character building lessons, as convincing as they were. Allowed to read Dickens and Paine. Rot. On my deathbed I will surely recant and confess that I should have spent more hours rooting for my local sports teams.

I will not darken your towels any more...

Created by: dudley_do_ride

7/2 @ 7:54am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Location: hain't Pochipsie son
Posts: 3,255

But consider Athos. Brooding over his dark, creamy stout. Feeling it in his hand. Cool in a warm humid atmospheric bath. Consider the hero of France. Obscure, in public for practical reasons I assure you, at table, solitary, mind active though brooding.

Probably thinking about how to save the impetuous Gascon from the deadly Milady. Not in a depression spiral, picking at a scab of the soul. But feeling the weight of a black soul pressing upon his life and threatening the prosperity and very life of his friends and the future of his country.

Saddled with honor and the scars of defending it. Always in pain physical and aware, as much as Wild Bill, of all the possible threats around him in this particular place. Not aware of or caring about your opinion of him. Brooding while savoring. Alone but worrying about his friends.

All the wars. The hard travel. What can I say. Life chisels the man. Writing his story on his very features.

You have heard about the fate of the nobility that would follow hard on. Maybe you consider them as frivolous and cruel. Is this your conclusion for Athos? Does he fit your simple picture? Comte to be sure. Maggot, are you fit to measure such men?

Just consider the man in the hope that some of his virtues will find their way into your scraggly nest. Absorb his cautionary tales. And maybe, just maybe, you will stay one step ahead of the villain and make it safely over the hazardous pass...

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