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Vicente Ferrer
Created by: Vicente Ferrer

9/9 @ 2:39pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

## **Revised Text:**

**Note:** The revised text aims to maintain the original message while adopting a more formal tone. Some stylistic elements, such as emoticons, have been removed to align with a professional style.

**Revised Text:**

"To all the esteemed models and clients of this platform,

My name is Vicente Ferrer, and I am writing today to share my experiences as a twink Model on this site. I have been a member for approximately two years and eight months.

While I have always appreciated the diverse earning opportunities and positive aspects of this platform, I have encountered some unfortunate experiences with certain clients. These individuals have demonstrated a lack of respect for my body and have made derogatory comments about my appearance.

I have worked diligently to improve my performance and provide quality service to my clients. However, it is disheartening to face such negativity. Comments suggesting that I should be more muscular or that I am not worth spending money on have significantly impacted my self-esteem.

Despite these challenges, I have learned to persevere and maintain a positive outlook. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their physical appearance.

I encourage all models to believe in their own worth and to not allow negative comments to deter them from their goals. Remember, your value is not determined by your physical attributes.

To clients, I urge you to be considerate and respectful of the models you interact with. Avoid making comments that could be perceived as offensive or discriminatory. Remember, models are individuals with unique preferences and experiences.

Thank you for your attention.

Vicente Ferrer"
Created by: gloababatrana

9/9 @ 4:13pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00

## **Revised Text:**

However, it is disheartening to face such negativity.
Avoid making comments that could be perceived as offensive or discriminatory.

Is your way of combatting negativity and avoiding offensive or discriminatory language to post things to clients in this forum like "hey, old man, don't bother"?

And is your way of avoiding hurtful/negative comments to other models to say things like this? "I think they are guys who are losing a lot of talent and money. Believe me, the Bel Ami guys are not what they used to be. They lost more than 30% of their clients just because of their arrogance and believing that they are better than the rest"

I understand that people say a lot of rude and uncalled-for things to models on here. But if you're going to object to it, it would be a good idea not to demonstrate that same behavior yourself.
Created by: midpacificvulcan

9/9 @ 6:55pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 761

## **
While I have always appreciated the diverse earning opportunities and positive aspects of this platform, I have encountered some unfortunate experiences with certain clients. These individuals have demonstrated a lack of respect for my body and have made derogatory comments about my appearance.

I have worked diligently to improve my performance and provide quality service to my clients. However, it is disheartening to face such negativity. Comments suggesting that I should be more muscular or that I am not worth spending money on have significantly impacted my self-esteem.

Despite these challenges, I have learned to persevere and maintain a positive outlook. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their physical appearance.

I encourage all models to believe in their own worth and to not allow negative comments to deter them from their goals. Remember, your value is not determined by your physical attributes.

To clients, I urge you to be considerate and respectful of the models you interact with. Avoid making comments that could be perceived as offensive or discriminatory. Remember, models are individuals with unique preferences and experiences.
Thank you for your attention.
Sincerely, Vicente Ferrer"

It may hurt your feelings to learn that your customers do not come here to make you feel better or to prop up your experience. You are here to make your customers feel ecstatic by, primarily, giving them a nice fantasy sex encounter. That's pretty simple. Your muscles are what they are and won't change because of feedback. You look fine as you are. What you have to learn is to ignore your rude customers instead of lecturing them (and indirectly the rest of us who read your post). There is a small group of customers of this site, like all other sites and all other families and businesses, who feel the need to criticize. They are losers, and the more time you fret over them, the closer to anger and depression you will go. Let the losers go.

Fact of flirt life: While you haven't learned to like it, your value is substantially determined by your physical attributes, at least to your customers who throw credits at your naked body and want to get off, if you know what I mean, and then get off the site. Insted of whining about those people, take their credits, enjoy the fruits of your labor and rejoice in the fact that they think you're hot enough to spend mony on.

Another fact of flirt life: A model's preferences aren't the point, nor is respect for the model's body. The point is always the paying customer. We customers are not here to get you off, you are here to get us off.

I've been a customer on flirt for more than a decade. You don't know what it's like as a flirt twink boy. The most successful male model I've seen here, by far, was a very young twink who never said a negative word about a customer or another model and who always performed as he was paid to. He ignored the losers who wandered by occasionally.

Never engage a loser. It's like debating a pig.
Created by: 1030efrom

9/9 @ 11:11pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 45

It's not you. It's them. There are customers here who get off on insulting and degrading models. They should pay for their fetish, but then it wouldn't be as fun. If they won't take you private and/or give generous tips, they should be banned.
Created by: gofish

9/12 @ 12:51pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 1,786

It's not you. It's them. There are customers here who get off on insulting and degrading models. They should pay for their fetish, but then it wouldn't be as fun. If they won't take you private and/or give generous tips, they should be banned.

Sort think taking your approach is what one might call extreme. Yes there are going to be viewers who face it you really would never want to meet in real life with their approach to the site.
Fact is sites like this will always attract those sort of people merely because they have a low opinion of themselves. The best approach is just try to ignore them and sooner or later they will move on to another model.
If the viewer is a member who takes things to the extreme the model should try to get a flirt admin moderator in the room to see what is going on. Let Flirt deal with situation as they can give the member a warning and as last resort I believe ban him from accessing the site.
Most MEMBERS on the site are never a problem, but just takes one rotten apple to sour the mood in a chatroom.
To any model/performer out there who has experienced this all one can say don't let it get to you and move on to enjoy the company of others who might be in the chat room.

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Created by: daniga22

9/12 @ 4:17pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 70

Insulting the looks of a 18,19,20 year old model is cruel. It can scar them for life. If the model is older, say mid 20s or above, he may have the maturity to brush off the insults. Of course that "older" qualification varies from person to person. A person can be 35 and still take an insult to heart. If the customer does not like the way the model looks they do not even have to enter the room. The preview on the bio page will give them a good idea. They don't have to go to the room if they don't like what they see. But there will always be some unhappy people who want to make other people unhappy. They will enter the room and say mean things to make the model unhappy. Misery loves company.

You are a beautiful guy Vicente Ferrer. I will give anything to get your skinny twink body at my age. Stay cheerful and keep working.
Created by: lucas@home

9/20 @ 2:07am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 16

## **Revised Text:****Note:** The revised text aims to maintain the original message while adopting a more formal tone. Some stylistic elements, such as emoticons, have been removed to align with a professional style.**Revised Text:**"To all the esteemed models and clients of this platform,My name is Vicente Ferrer, and I am writing today to share my experiences as a twink Model on this site. I have been a member for approximately two years and eight months.While I have always appreciated the diverse earning opportunities and positive aspects of this platform, I have encountered some unfortunate experiences with certain clients. These individuals have demonstrated a lack of respect for my body and have made derogatory comments about my appearance.I have worked diligently to improve my performance and provide quality service to my clients. However, it is disheartening to face such negativity. Comments suggesting that I should be more muscular or that I am not worth spending money on have significantly impacted my self-esteem.Despite these challenges, I have learned to persevere and maintain a positive outlook. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their physical appearance.I encourage all models to believe in their own worth and to not allow negative comments to deter them from their goals. Remember, your value is not determined by your physical attributes.To clients, I urge you to be considerate and respectful of the models you interact with. Avoid making comments that could be perceived as offensive or discriminatory. Remember, models are individuals with unique preferences and experiences.Thank you for your attention.Sincerely,Vicente Ferrer"

## **Revised Text:****Note:** The revised text aims to maintain the original message while adopting a more formal tone. Some stylistic elements, such as emoticons, have been removed to align with a professional style.**Revised Text:**"To all the esteemed models and clients of this platform,My name is Vicente Ferrer, and I am writing today to share my experiences as a twink Model on this site. I have been a member for approximately two years and eight months.While I have always appreciated the diverse earning opportunities and positive aspects of this platform, I have encountered some unfortunate experiences with certain clients. These individuals have demonstrated a lack of respect for my body and have made derogatory comments about my appearance.I have worked diligently to improve my performance and provide quality service to my clients. However, it is disheartening to face such negativity. Comments suggesting that I should be more muscular or that I am not worth spending money on have significantly impacted my self-esteem.Despite these challenges, I have learned to persevere and maintain a positive outlook. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their physical appearance.I encourage all models to believe in their own worth and to not allow negative comments to deter them from their goals. Remember, your value is not determined by your physical attributes.To clients, I urge you to be considerate and respectful of the models you interact with. Avoid making comments that could be perceived as offensive or discriminatory. Remember, models are individuals with unique preferences and experiences.Thank you for your attention.Sincerely,Vicente Ferrer"

## **Revised Text:**

**Note:** The revised text aims to maintain the original message while adopting a more formal tone. Some stylistic elements, such as emoticons, have been removed to align with a professional style.

**Revised Text:**

"To all the esteemed models and clients of this platform,

My name is Vicente Ferrer, and I am writing today to share my experiences as a twink Model on this site. I have been a member for approximately two years and eight months.

While I have always appreciated the diverse earning opportunities and positive aspects of this platform, I have encountered some unfortunate experiences with certain clients. These individuals have demonstrated a lack of respect for my body and have made derogatory comments about my appearance.

I have worked diligently to improve my performance and provide quality service to my clients. However, it is disheartening to face such negativity. Comments suggesting that I should be more muscular or that I am not worth spending money on have significantly impacted my self-esteem.

Despite these challenges, I have learned to persevere and maintain a positive outlook. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their physical appearance.

I encourage all models to believe in their own worth and to not allow negative comments to deter them from their goals. Remember, your value is not determined by your physical attributes.

To clients, I urge you to be considerate and respectful of the models you interact with. Avoid making comments that could be perceived as offensive or discriminatory. Remember, models are individuals with unique preferences and experiences.

Thank you for your attention.

Vicente Ferrer"

Created by: lucas@home

9/20 @ 2:29am (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 16

Once again in this forum an unusual thread First to the twink Vicente it’s hard for me to understand how your self esteem could be so impacted by comments by some of the rude and obnoxious people on this site similar to the world at large but Vicente this is a sex site what the hell did you expect? If your self esteem as you say is that affected frankly you have no business on a site like this—if anyone is remotely rude or condescending just ban them period and move on I can’t believe you would even begin to take what some bottom-feeder says about you seriously/- it has nothing to do with you. Don’t you know that you should or this site is not the place for you. From the client side to say that what we say to a twink model “will scar them for life” that is ridiculous we’re not that important and they should dsmn well know it before performing sex acts with strangers. Come on people everything on this site is fantasy and make believe nothing nothing should be taken that seriously or at face value—if it’s negative in any way ban the person or leave the room. CASE CLOSED

Created by: daniga22

9/20 @ 4:39pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 70

Once again in this forum an unusual thread First to the twink Vicente it’s hard for me to understand how your self esteem could be so impacted by comments by some of the rude and obnoxious people on this site similar to the world at large but Vicente this is a sex site what the hell did you expect? If your self esteem as you say is that affected frankly you have no business on a site like this—if anyone is remotely rude or condescending just ban them period and move on I can’t believe you would even begin to take what some bottom-feeder says about you seriously/- it has nothing to do with you. Don’t you know that you should or this site is not the place for you. From the client side to say that what we say to a twink model “will scar them for life” that is ridiculous we’re not that important and they should dsmn well know it before performing sex acts with strangers. Come on people everything on this site is fantasy and make believe nothing nothing should be taken that seriously or at face value—if it’s negative in any way ban the person or leave the room. CASE CLOSED

Yes, they are porn models. But they are not objects. They are human beings with feelings and emotions and deserve to be treated as such. Before and after the fantasy sex act you are performing with them, you should treat them as human beings.

And yes, we are important to them. Most models treat me with respect when I visit them. That means I am important to them.

Created by: lucas@home

9/20 @ 8:36pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 16

Yes, they are porn models. But they are not objects. They are human beings with feelings and emotions and deserve to be treated as such. Before and after the fantasy sex act you are performing with them, you should treat them as human beings.And yes, we are important to them. Most models treat me with respect when I visit them. That means I am important to them.

Yes, they are porn models. But they are not objects. They are human beings with feelings and emotions and deserve to be treated as such. Before and after the fantasy sex act you are performing with them, you should treat them as human beings.

And yes, we are important to them. Most models treat me with respect when I visit them. That means I am important to them.

Created by: lucas@home

9/20 @ 8:47pm (EDT) | UTC - 4:00
Posts: 16

If you read my post nothing in it says that models should be treated like "objects" and nothing in the post says anything about not treating them like human beings and who said anything about not being treated with "respect." Please spare us your sanctimony. I would hazard to say most of us are on this site for hot sex and we must pay good money for it. If you are here for touchy feely with the models good for you and keep it up but don't feed the rest of us who frankly have to navigate a certain amount of negativity on the site with all this self-righteous drivel. You have to take the good with the bad on sex sites that's all I'm saying and No I doubt that if you had a real tragedy in your day or life you would come home and go to F4F where everyone considers you so "important"

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