Are you ready to be an achiever? You'll earn fabulous prizes, a ton of Flirt Rewards points, and a glorious achievement badge when you participate in the 1-day Flirt Challenge.
Click on the trophy icon at the top of the main page. Your missions, should you choose to accept them, will display as below:
There are 3 Flirt Challenge levels. The awards for each level include points, VOD passes, and bigger and bigger credit discounts! Complete all challenges to complete a level and claim your prizes. Levels must be completed in order (1st then 2nd, then 3rd).
This 1-Day event starts at 12:00AM EST on December 15th, and ends at 11:59PM of the same day.
Rewards must be claimed manually, and will be available for 24 hours after the challenge end time (11:59 PM, December 16th, 2020), by clicking Claim Reward in the Flirt Challenge Tab.