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Fergus T

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Love and be loved ! Awwww.
Jan 8th @ 2:11pm EST
Public Holidays in the United Kingdom
There are eight public holidays, or bank holidays, a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go in to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year&'s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Summer Bank Holiday. The term «bank holiday» dates back to the 19th century when in 1871 and 1875 most of these days were constituted bank holidays, that is, days on which banks were to be closed. The observance of these days is no longer limited to banks.All the public holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day, observed on the 25th and 26th of December respectively, do not fall on the same date each year. Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday which falls on the first Monday in May. The Spring Bank Holiday is on the last Monday of May, while Late Summer Bank Holiday comes on the last Monday in August.Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though for the greater part of the population they have long lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.Certain customs and traditions are associated with most bank holidays. The reason is that many of them are part of holiday seasons like Easter and Christmas seasons which are religious by origin and are marked by centuries-old traditions.Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply days, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days.
Jan 7th @ 2:14pm EST
Online shopping
Online shopping is a modern way of buying everything you want from your home. It has become very popular and it seems to be much better to choose clothes, shoes and accessories without spending hours in a shopping centre. Apart from saving time, you can also find same things online but they often cost less than they do in a mall. However, you may have doubts about the size. Luckily, most online shops give detailed information about sizes and even offer some online assistance. In addition, when you shop online you may find whatever you need in one clic, even if there are thousands of items on the website. You can use filters and select only those kinds that interest you. You may also choose a colour, a style and sometimes a brand. Moreover, online shopping gives you the opportunity to be aware of special offers, sales and discounts. Online shops may send you messages or e-mails, thus, you will be able to receive this information any time and any place. Nevertheless, online shopping has also its weak points that stop many people from online purchasing. You can&'t see whether the dress or other thing looks like on the picture on the website, you can&'t be sure about the purity of the colour, about the quality of the material, etc. However, there are many online shops now that let you see and even try clothes and pay afterwards only if the thing fits and suits you. That makes you feel more relaxed and assured.
Jan 6th @ 5:47pm EST
Parable about friends
The wise man was asked: "How many kinds of friendship are there?»"Four," he said. "There are friends like food &'" you need them every day.There are friends as medicine-you look for them when you feel bad.There are friends like a disease-they are looking for you.But there are friends like air &'" you can't see them, but they are always with you."
Jan 4th @ 1:58pm EST
Travelling to Russia and the USA
I want to begin my conversation with you about the travelling to Russia and my favorite country &'" the United States of America. As we know, travelling is the best way to learn more about other culture, to open our mind, to meet new foreign people and sometimes even to make a friendship with them.Of course, Russia is the great country and everybody will be agree with it. It`s the largest country in the world, I`m so proud to live there. Russia is a homeland of classical ballet school and Russian literature is very popular throughout the world. All educated people know our writers, poets, compositors and they are exited by them.I also want to talk about the USA. By the way, I became studying English language because of my love to the culture of this country. Nowadays USA is considered to be the world&'s most powerful state. The economy of the country is characterized by steady growth, low level of unemployment and inflation, and great advances in technology. This is the country of contrasts that attracts different people from all over the world. I love this country cause there are many places worst seeing in the most beautiful town of the USA &'" New-York. The most famous of them is the largest statue in the world The Statue of Liberty, presented to the USA by France in 1886. The Empire State Building used to be the highest building, but now it is only the third. It is a 102- storeyed building. Broadway is the longest street in the world. It is about 12 miles long. It is the center of entertainments. The Central Park is also the largest park in the world.In conclusion I want to say that for having a good travelling you should chose the country that is close to you, where you feel yourself free like a fish at the ocean and where everything will inspire you and give a wonderful mood.
Jan 3rd @ 9:21pm EST
A tiger&'s body is powerful and covered with thick fur of black and orange stripes. The location of stripes is unique for every tiger. Tigers have strong graceful legs and large paws and a beautiful long tail. The weight of adult males may reach up to 300 kilograms, and the length of the body up to 1.5-3 metres. Tigers are found mainly in the South, Southeast and Central Asia.Tigers are unsurpassed hunters. But unlike pack animals they hunt alone. They display phenomenal intuition and marvellous observation. Unfortunately tigers are among extinct animals nowadays so people must do their best to preserve them.
Jan 3rd @ 4:03am EST
Patience of god
Parable from Alexander BellaIn the vast possessions of Anandi, various gods were worshiped, and the lord himself was famous for tolerance. One of the tribes within it believed in the One God, against which the lord also had nothing. Once, a preacher of this religion came to Anandi's palace and asked to be accepted, for this is what his god wants.As soon as the preacher came in, he began ardently convincing the ruler that there was only one god who had sent to notify him. Anandi smiled back.&'And what about the rest that my peoples make sacrifices?&'&'These nations are in their ignorance!&' They are not touched by the light of knowledge! - exclaimed the guest. &'Command me, and I will enlighten them!&' Your laws forbid you to do this ...This time the overlord chuckled:- Tell me, is your god almighty?- The Only Almighty!&'So everything on earth obeys him?&'- Of course!&'Then, if he had wished, everyone would have worshiped him.&' However, he does not. Do you know why? As the lord of my subjects, I understand this. I, like him, do not need a massacre in my possessions, ruining the kingdom, destroying lives, giving rise to anger and revenge. Your god is wiser than you and therefore more tolerant. Go ahead And think about it.
Dec 31st @ 11:52pm EST
Globalization is a controversial issue for business and governments throughout the world. We recognize globalization mainly through its effects. It's a bit like electricity - we can not see it, but we certainly observe what it does.Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. This process is a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces. It's a movement of people, goods, capital and ideas due to increased economic integration.Globalization is a controversial issue mainly because different groups interpret it in different ways. For its opponents globalization is a threatening word. It prompts visions of large multinationals dominating the world in pursuit of ever-higher profits. Many pressure groups fear that globalization threatens the environment as well as national cultures - they predict that it will make the rich nations richer and the developing countries even poorer than they are. But its supporters have another point of view. They believe that increasing and freer trade between nations will offer prosperity and economic growth for all countries and businesses.So globalization is likely to be a hot potato for the twenty-first century. As far as the benefits are concerned there it's possible to name next statements:1. An opportunity to get acquainted with cultures of different nations;2. A variety of choice for consumers: when they can buy in their local stores and supermarkets not only home-produced goods but also foreign ones;3. Transnational corporations create additional work places for local people, at the same it is convenient for these large corporations as well: they may locate the labour-intensive part of their production process in countries with a relative abundance of labour in order to minimize their costs;4. Another point is risk-sharing. It's more reasonable to invest money not in one company but to create an international company with great amount of subsidiaries in various countries, so it won't have so serious consequences if one of them will not stand cut-throat competition;5. This cut-throat competition in the local markets between domestic and foreign producers leads to production of high-quality goods.The disadvantages of globalization are:1. Pollution of the environment (and there one peculiarity should be admitted - developed countries try to locate their harmful for the environment factories and works not in their own countries but in developing countries);2. Globalization destroys cultural identity, for example Europeans usually try to impose their customs and traditions on Asian people;3. Multinational corporations prefer to use cheap labour-force of developing countries for instance in Asia. And at the same time they provide their workers with bad and sometimes even awful working conditions;4. It's difficult for domestic producers to compete with multinational corporations especially if it's an infant industry;The last but not least is that we don't actually know to what globalization can lead, we don't realize its consequences.
Dec 30th @ 11:58pm EST
European Women Yesterday and Today
In the 17th century rich women normally were taught at home by a tutor, they were taught subjects like Latin, French, Needlework and they were also taught how to look pretty and to play the piano and other instruments.When they became older their parents decided who they were going to marry and the family of the woman should pay a dowry to the parents of the husband. A rich woman wouldn't normally get a job, they could just stay at home and look after the family and tell the servants what to do.Poor women did not go to school or did not have an education; they just looked after their home, chi1ldren and prepared meals or worked in fields. They didn't get paid much and had to work hard.In the 19th century rich women were educated at home and learned pretty much the same as in the 17th century. They were learned to play the piano, speak French, entertain guests and look attractive. After 1870 it was made compulsory for all women to have an education. Girls didn't learn the same subjects as boys. Girls learnt subjects like laundry, cookery, needlework and housewifery skills.Rich women did not work, but ran their home with the help of their servants, after 1870 some women became teachers and others could work as secretaries or clerks. So, women could work but there was a condition. At that time any woman had to retire when she got married.Servants of rich women did all her domestic tasks at home. So all they needed to do at home was to look good and attractive and boss servants around.Poor women had to work as well as bringing up her ch1ildren, they had to work in coal mines and factories for long hours earning little money. Until 1870 young ch1ildren from poor families had to work too.In the 20th century, when the 1st World War started, women could leave their underpaid jobs and could get jobs at a factory because all men had gone off to fight for the war, so women worked in factories, making armours for the war.When the war was over, women had to go back to their old jobs and they didn't earn as much money as they were used to earn. Later a typewriter was invented and jobs as secretaries became available for women. Some women became teachers. Women were now aloud to vote and the first female presidents came. Some women were involved in politics.Women started to wear different clothes, they do not wear corsets any more, they wear shorter dresses, even trousers.To my thinking, the role of women has changed quite a lot. I think all changes that happened in the 20th century were good, because women became to be treated more equally and even more due to the processes of emancipation.
Dec 30th @ 12:13am EST
Customs and Traditions in Great Britain
Some English customs and traditions are famous all over the world. Bowler hats, tea and talking about the weather, for example. From Scotland to Cornwall, the United Kingdom is full of customs and traditions. Here are some of them.St. Valentine&'s is the saint of people in love, and St Valentine&'s day is February, 14. On that day, people send valentine cards and presents to their husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. You can also send a card to a person you don&'t know. But traditionally you must never write your name on it. Some British newspapers have a page for Valentine&'s Day messages on February 14th.April, 1 is April Fool&'s Day in Great Britain. This is a very old tradition from the Middle Ages. At that time servants were masters for one day of the year. Now April Fool&'s Day is different. It&'s a day for jokes and tricks.May, 1 was an important day in the Middle Ages. In the very early morning young girls went to fields and washed their faces with dew. They believed this made them very beautiful for a year after that. Also on May Day young men of each village tried to win prizes with their bows and arrows, and people danced round the Maypole.November, 5 is Guy Fawkes&'s Day. All over the country people build wood fires, or «bonfires», in their gardens. On top of each bonfire is a guy, this is a figure of Guy Fawkes. On November, 5, 1665, Guy Fawkes tried to ki11ll King James I. He and a group of his friends put a bomb under the Houses of Parliament in London. But the king&'s men found the bomb and Guy Fawkes. They took him to the Tower of London, where his head was cut off. Before November 5, ch11ildren use guys to make money. They stand in the street and shout: «Penny for the guy».
Dec 28th @ 2:46pm EST
Hello guys ! In honor of the new year holidays, I have prepared a special show for you, which will take place tomorrow! December 29 on Sunday at 8 PM EST time !!! I hope that we will celebrate this holiday with you together! Kisses and hugs
Dec 27th @ 2:01pm EST
Higher Education in Great Britain
Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take «Ð» level examinations in two or three subjects. Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their «A» level results, although they may interview them as well. In 1971 the Open University was started, where these formal qualifications are not necessary. Nearly a quarter of all adult part-time students follow its degree courses on radio and television.There are forty-seven universities in Britain and thirty former polytechnics (now also universities), plus 350 colleges and institutes of higher education (some of which train teachers).Undergraduate courses normally take three years of full-time study, although a number of subjects take longer, including medicine, architecture and foreign languages (where courses include a year abroad). They lead in most cases to a Bachelor&'s degree in Arts or Science. There are various postgraduate degrees, including Master and Doctor of Philosophy. The last two are awarded for research in arts or sciences.Degrees are awarded either by the institution itself, or by the Council for National Academic Awards, particularly in vocational areas. Students of law, architecture and some other professions can take qualifications awarded by their own professional bodies instead of degrees.At present, students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive a grant from their local authority, which covers the cost of the course, and may cover living expenses. Parents with higher incomes are expected to make a contribution. Until 1990 the grant did not have to be paid back, but now a system of loans has been introduced.The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge, called «Oxbridge». They are famous for their academic excellence.
Dec 26th @ 9:59am EST
Seasons and Weather
Weather changes during the year. So people usually divide it into four seasons.WinterWinter is the coldest season of a year. It begins in December. This is the time when lakes and rivers start covering with ice and the first snow begins to fall. When there is a lot of snow in the streets and the ice is strong enough, people often go outside for their favorite winter amusements like skiing, skating, sledging and throwing snowballs.The end of December is the conclusion of a year itself, and a new year comes with January. In this month frosts strike harder and blizzards unleash their natural rage. It usually lasts until the middle of February and then changes into slight thaw periods. The weather becomes rather warm and sunny and we can feel the spring approaching.SpringIn March blizzards can strike again, and the sky is often covered with dark clouds. But it doesn't last for long, and by the end of March grim sky brightens and you can see blooming flowers and trees.This is the time when nature begins to wake up from its winter sleep. April brings total rejuvenation to the woods, fields and meadows. Animals leave their lairs and birds come back to their homeland. In May the sunshine becomes brighter and hotter while days become longer. But the beginning of May is famous for its heavy rains and thunderstorms.SummerAlthough summer is the hottest season of a year, the weather is often cool and rainy in June. Trees start fructifying while woods and fields become abundant in berries.In July it is getting hotter and drier. During this period people usually spend time by the sea, lakes and rivers. They eat ice cream and have cold drinks, saving themselves from the heat. The weather usually remains unchanged till the end of August.AutumnIt is usually still warm in September, but nights become cooler and longer. Days are often rainy and foggy. In the beginning of October cold winds start blowing and leaves are getting yellow and red and then begin to fall.Autumn is also a harvest season. Vegetables, fruits, wheat and rye are cropped at this time. In November early frosts begin and the hoarfrost appears on the ground and trees. Birds start flying away to the south and animals make preparations for the wintertime.
Dec 24th @ 5:54pm EST
city of Russia
Moscow is the capital and most populous city of Russia with 12.6 million residents (2019).Moscow is the major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center of Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city (both by population and by area) entirely on the European continent.Moscow is the northernmost and coldest megacity on Earth.Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow with 5.4 million inhabitants in 2019. Situated on the Neva River, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703. Saint Petersburg is often considered Russia's cultural capital.Novosibirsk Novosibirsk is the third-most populous city in Russia, after Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is the most populous city in Asian Russia, with a population of 1.6 million inhabitants (2018). It occupies an area of 502.1 square kilometres. Yekaterinburg Yekaterinburg is the fourth-largest city in Russia, located on the Iset River, in the middle of the Eurasian continent, on the Asian side of the boundary between Asia and Europe. In 2018, it had an estimated population of 1.5 million.Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod is the administrative center of Volga Federal District and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast. From 1932 to 1990, it was known as Gorky after the writer Maxim Gorky, who was born there.The city is an important economic, transportation, scientific, educational and cultural center in Russia, and is the main center of river tourism in Russia.Kazan Kazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is the sixth most populous city in Russia. Kazan is one of the largest economic, political, scientific, educational, cultural and sports centers in Russia. Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia, about 715 kilometres from Moscow.Rostov-on-Don Rostov-on-Don is the administrative centre of Rostov Oblast and the Southern Federal District of Russia. It lies in the southeastern part of the East European Plain on the Don River. The population is over one million people (2018). Sochi Sochi is a city located on the Black Sea coast. Sochi hosted the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014. It was also one of the host cities for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
Dec 23rd @ 12:03am EST
Talents and Merchants
Fable of Sergei MikhalkovTwo Poets appeared in the people's court.&'What are you arguing about?&' The judge asked them.&'We argue about the authorship of the plot! -One poet said. - And that meansThat the rhymes here are his, and in rhymes the thought is mine! &'"Yes! - said another. - He told me the topic.But let the people's court now tell usHow do we share fame and money for a poem?I suggest a third. He wants - in half! &'Gave Pushkin to Gogol the plotImmortal WorkBut he did not expect a rewardDidn&'t hint at your budget ...How Broadly Generous TalentsAnd how insignificant businessmen are!
Dec 21st @ 1:49pm EST
New Year in Great Britain
The first of January, New Year&'s Day, is a big holiday in Scotland. Scottish people celebrate New Year&'s Eve in every family. Friends usually come on that day.They have a good dinner. After dinner there are apples, other fruit, and different sweets to eat. Then all the family and the friends begin to play games and dance. Before twelve o&'clock at night many people in the towns go out into the streets to dance and to sing songs.In England New Year&'s Day is not a big holiday, it is not so popular. Very many people go to bed before twelve o&'clock on New Year&'s Eve. But some families celebrate this evening at home. At midnight they also go out into the streets and squares.In London people go to the Trafalgar Square. In this square they see a great tree brightly decorated with little lamps. When the largest clock of London &'" Big Ben &'" begins to strike twelve, the people in the square join their hands and sing. They also wish a Happy New Year to each other. New Year is one of the favorite holidays for many people in Great Britain.
Dec 19th @ 11:49pm EST
Ancient holidays
Many holidays we have now come from the ancient Roman celebrations. Everything began with respect to gods and goddesses, nature and other things which human life depended on. There were many pagan holidays some of which we are going to learn about.There was a holiday which influenced Christmas and it was called Yule. Back then people believed that the Sun was a kind of a wheel which encouraged the change of seasons. The holiday was celebrated in the middle of winter when people could see the north-lights. People lit special logs, drank ale and told different tales. The lights were to win the devil and daemons.New Year is celebrated on the 1st of January in most countries now, however, it has been different in Ancient Egypt. It was a moveable holiday, the date of which depended on the Nile River. The flood of the river symbolized the renovation of it and the beginning of the cycle of Osiris. The cult of this god was very popular at that time, so the New Year holiday (Wepet Renpet) is closely related to Osiris.Coming back to the Romans, we should also mention the Liberalia holiday. This feast marked a turning point in the life of every boy, i.e. his passage from ch11ildhood to adulthood. The holiday was celebrated in the mid of March and on the day of the rite boys had to remove their charms which were meant to protect them in ch11ildhood and cut some of their hair and place them on the altar. There is a similar holiday in Judaism called bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah for girls.
Dec 18th @ 2:26pm EST
British Customs
There exist some very unusual traditions in Great Britain.One of them is Town Crier&'s Rivalry. Town criers from all parts of the country gather at Hastings, Sussex, in August for the National Town Crier&'s Championship. For the contest they wear their traditional ceremonial uniforms and carry their handbells. A procession headed by the Hastings band marches to an arena where the Mayor, members of town council and civil officials greet them. To enable the judges to determine who possesses the most powerful voice the competitors are rowed to a small island about 75 yards from them. From this little island they one by one make their cries and declaim a 150- word test piece.Another curious tradition reminds us of our country. Fun and jokes are very common on April Fool&'s Day. In Scotland an old name for April Fool is April-cuckoo. For some reason the cuckoo is a symbol for daftness. The return of the cuckoo and the arrival of spring are connected with all this fooling.Still another interesting tournament is the Veteran Car Run. The veteran cars are set out on the London &'" Brighton run each November. There is a condition &'" every car taking part must be at least 60 years old. The London &'" Brighton ride is not a race. Participants are limited to a maximum average speed of 20 miles per hour. At 8 o&'clock comes the &'Off&'. The main things in this tournament are the cars that represent the history of the country.
Dec 17th @ 11:20pm EST
Pencil life
The life of the pencil was interesting only on the birthday of the factory. When, looking around, he saw millions of pencils exactly like him, then a suspicion crept in him that his fate would be as faceless as himself. Hope for bright events and unforgettable impressions, and most importantly, for the meaning of life, still lived in him for a while, while he lay indifferently on a store shelf in the office department. But, when a person, having paid for a pencil, first imprisoned it, the pencil realized that the end of his life had begun.The pencil could not read. He did not understand the meaning of the signs that a man&'s hand displayed to them. He did not understand at all the meaning of what was happening. He understood only one thing: that his life was melting along with the lead, which is his bl00d. And when he finally dried up, at the last moment he only thought about how stupidly and senselessly his life had gone.And he never knew what a huge role he played in the fate of the whole of humanity, reading the trail that he left on his own. On the trail, which he considered so meaningless ...
Dec 16th @ 4:34pm EST
In the world there are almost 9 million species of animals that are striking in their diversity and originality. Some of them are not so dangerous, others are incredibly cute. We will never cease to amaze us.We at Bright Side are following with interest new discoveries and research in the animal world, and today we want to introduce you to 15 interesting facts that we did not talk about in biology classes.15. Elephants can determine your gender, age and ethnicity by voice15 facts about animals.© pixabay14. Immediately after birth.15 facts about animals.© depositphotos13. Sloths may take a month to fully digest 1 leaf eaten. They come down15 facts about animals.© pixabay12. Some turtles can breathe under water and winter there. This is called "cloacal breathing" (if roughly - "breathe booty")15 facts about animals.© pixabay11. Slow lory - the only species of poisonous primates. The desire on the arm of these cuties gives a secret that demonstrates its toxicity. Their bites can cause anaphylactic shock and even death in people.15 facts about animals.© depositphotos10. Striped zebra color acts as a natural repellent. Homogeneous black, brown, gray or white colors15 facts about animals.© pixabay9. Reindeer eyes change color for different seasons and gold on blue, adapt to extreme changes in ambient light levels15 facts about animals.© depositphotos8. People have about 9,000 taste buds, and dogs have about 1,700. Moreover, dogs cannot distinguish between types of meat, although they recognize meat and non-meat products.15 facts about animals.© pixabay7. Otters have the thickest fur in the world. It is estimated that they have up to 1 million hair per square inch. Their fur consists of 2 layers15 facts about animals.© depositphotos6. It turns out that proteins have a strong maternal instinct. A study at the University of Guelph showed that proteins can take orphaned young members of their family.15 facts about animals.© depositphotos5. According to researchers from the School of Psychology at the University of Leicester, listeners of calm music15 facts about animals.© pixabay4. The humpback does not store water, but fat, which is necessary only for adaptation to a hot climate.15 facts about animals.© pixabay3. If passion feels that he does not hide his head in the sand.15 facts about animals.© pixabay2. Quokki love to hang out together. Unlike some other mammals, they usually do not fight for food or partners15 facts about animals.© fabulous_shark / reddit1. Dolphins are one of the few animals.15 facts about animals.© depositphotosWhat fact was awarded the 1st place in your personal rating?
Dec 15th @ 1:13pm EST
Almost all people are fond of travelling. It is very interesting to see new places, another towns and countries. People may travel either for pleasure or on business. There are various means of travelling. For me there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and, of course, far quicker than any other means. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. From the comfortable seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if a journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.Travelling by ship is also very popular now. It is very pleasant to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face and hear the cry of the seagulls.Many people like to travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many sights in a short time, you can stop when and where you like, you do not have to buy tickets or carry your suitcases.A very popular means of travelling is hiking. It is travelling on foot. Walking tours are very interesting. Hitch-hiking is a very popular method of travelling among young people. But it is not as popular in our country as abroad.
Dec 14th @ 1:16pm EST
Generation Gap
One of the important problems of all times is a generation gap. Adult's mentality is different from t33nager's. We are the ch1ldren of two epochs with different views on various subjects. Because of this parents and ch1ldren sometimes argue with each other.Some people believe that t33nagers today are generally rude, lazy and ill-behaved. Other people, however, think that t33nagers are not so bad. Sometimes people don't understand t33nagers. They don't understand some problems and things which are very important in t33nagers' life, for example the lifestyles, piercing, tattoos, relationship with friends and teachers.Some people don't want to understand modern views, ideals and our system of values. They say that t33nagers are cruel, brutal, heartless and rude. Yes, today new generation "plays" with smoking, drugs and alcohol, but this doesn't mean that all t33ns are really bad!On the other hand, today many elderly people look at the world with new eyes. Moreover, they try to understand t33nagers' problems and solve them.Most of the quarrels between parents and ch1ildren happen because of ch1ildren's marks at school and generation gap. We try to learn better, but if we have a bad mark our parents can shout at us.In most cases "new generation" doesn't understand their parents and becomes depressed because of this. To protest against it, t33ns can shock people around them. That's why it is considered that t33ns today are lazy and ill-behaved. Elderly people usually compare their ch1ildhood and youth with present, they are always talking about "the good old days". People are said to become wiser with age. Sometimes it is true and sometimes it is not. I think that you can meet a wise man among the old as often as among the young. It is wrong that when wisdom always comes in old age. Sometimes when we talk to adults, they listen only to threir own point of view. That's why some t33ns don't like to talk to adults. To sum it up, nowadays everyone has a different view on t33n's life. But, in fact, we should simply learn to understand each other.
Dec 14th @ 2:53am EST
Parable of time
Gathered somehow Past, Future and Present. And they began to argue which of them is important for Man.The past stated: &'I am the main thing for Man! It was I who made Man what he is. And Man knows only what he learned in the past. A person believes in himself only because he is good at those things that he undertook before.And the Man loves those people with whom he was well in the past. And it&'s good for Man just when he recalls his past. Nothing will happen in the past, a person in his past is calm and comfortable, not like the Future. &'The future did not agree with the Past and began to object: &'Not true! If this were so, Man would have no prospects for development. Each day would be like the previous one.The main thing for a Man is his Future! It does not matter to Man what he knew how to do in the past. A person will learn and learn everything that he needs in the Future.Man&'s thoughts and dreams about how he will become in the Future are much more important for him than thoughts about the past. The whole Life of Man depends on what he is going to become, and not what he was. A man likes people who are not like those in the past. Therefore, for Man the most important thing is I, the Future! &'The Past and the Future argued among themselves for a long time, almost got into a fight, until the Present intervened:&'You have lost sight of the fact that Man has a past and future only in his thoughts. You, the Past, are gone. The future is not for you yet. There is only me, the Present. In the past and the future, man does not live. He lives only in the present. &'
Dec 12th @ 1:27pm EST
My friends are my supportSupport, strength and wall.Thank you my familyI'm not me anymore.Thank you todayBecause you are always there.You&'re not worthy in the world,I just adore you.AWWWWWWWWWW
Dec 11th @ 11:09pm EST
He who hurries will accomplish
Good coachman!Where is your valuable cargo wagon?Where are your horses?Harness them in the wagon - and go faster!The road is long - for life, it is difficult and dangerous - it is in the mountains.It is necessary to deliver - urgently! urgently! - somewhere - salvation, somewhere - news, somewhere - joy, somewhere - wisdom, somewhere love, somewhere compassion, somewhere - admiration ...Generously throw your load along the way, do not be sorry!And don't ask if anyone understood where the help came from.You are a sower, not a reaper.It is important to deliver, because the shortage of your cargo is great.Your load is priceless.And your horses smell the road, trust them, give freedom.But they are strong and can rip off. Hold firmly in your wise hands and pull them towards you.It&'s good that I blindfolded them. There is no need for them to see a flock of furious horses gloating over meadows and fields, trampling their wagons with their hooves and priceless cargo and chasing after their masters to tear them to pieces.Drive your horses, but not with a whip and a scolding, for horses can be hurt and they can take offense.Direct their thoughts to the Highest Good, to beauty, devotion, courage.They are smart, they will understand you.Drive, encourage them with a cordial word, kind coachman!Let them triumph, let them be proud that they are in a hurry carrying, not carrying away.Who said that there is no need to rush - &'you are going quieter, you will continue&'? This is about turtles, about snails that don&'t carry anything to anyone and don&'t want to receive anything.Go quieter when they bury.And you need to resurrect, revive, please, inspire, save, reassure.For there is not a day, not an hour, not a minute when someone would not need your load.Whoever hastens will do it.And you go empty - you will not reach the place.Drive the horses!And if it really happens that at a sharp turn the horses got out of the way and the wagon rolled over and the cargo fell apart, then know that you have reached your peak.... Need clarification?So:kind coachman - kind heartthe bit is the mind of the Heart,horses are feelingsa wagon with an invaluable load is the gifts of the Spirit,deliver priceless cargo - the meaning of life.And if the coachman is not good, but evil? And the self-occupied mind is also evil?What feelings will become and what they will create, if we also know that feelings always, always! - prevail over the mind?
Dec 9th @ 4:25pm EST
Dec 9th @ 12:30am EST
Britain holidays
Christmas Day, December 25, is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives and friends give each other presents. So, before Christmas all the department stores and shops are crowded, everybody is choosing a present.In general, people get prepared for this holiday very carefully. They decorate their houses in the traditional way. Christmas trees are set up in houses, in the streets and churches. They are always decorated with fairy lights, angels and small toys. In addition, little packets with nuts, candies and special biscuits are hung on the tree. Presents are put around the tree and artificial «frost» is scattered over the branches.The Germans are believed to be the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations and Martin Luther was the first to place a star on the top of the tree. This star represents the star appeared over the stable in which Christ was born.In Great Britain, the Christmas tree became popular while Queen Victoria ruled the country.Besides the Christmas tree, holly and mistletoe are used to decorate the house. Branches of holly are put up behind pictures and mistletoe is hung over doors, so the young people have a chance to kiss the girls under it, plucking each time a red berry from the mistletoe. It is said that the girl who was not kissed under it at Christmas would not get married that year.On the eve of Christmas ch111ldren hang their stockings, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them: oranges, sweets, nuts and if the ch111ld didn't behave properly Santa Claus can put there a piece of coal as punishment.Santa Claus got his name from a man known as St. Nicolas, who lived in the fourth century. He gave his wealth to the poor and often to ch111ldren. After he died, the Dutch brought this legend to colonial America. Soon the Dutch name Sinter Klaus became Santa Claus.Carol singing is an essential part of Christmas. No church or school is without its carol service. Carols may be traditional or with some variations that express different feelings. Carols were used for the first time during Christmas in the fifteenth century.Usually ch111ldren come around in the evening to the front doors and start singing carols and people who live in these houses give ch111ldren candies, nuts, pies and so on, to thank them for carol singing.A typical Christmas lunch includes turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding. Every young woman in each household helps to stir the Christmas pudding, if she wishes to be married that year. Usually a coin or two are hidden inside the pudding and part of the fun is to see who finds it.After the lunch they go to the sitting room to listen to the Christmas speech of the Queen, shown on TV.So, Christmas is a merry family holiday for all the people of Great Britain. Christmas comes but once a year.
Dec 7th @ 11:55pm EST
Hey guys, would you like to spend Christmas vacation in this place ? Whitehaven Beach, Australia
Whitehaven is 7 kilometers of white sand. The beach is one of the cleanest in the world. Order is maintained by two measures: you can not smoke here and be with dogs. In addition, the sand has one feature: it does not heat up, so it does not burn your feet even on the hottest day.
Dec 6th @ 11:54pm EST
Hello my dear friend. Listen, I’ve found one beautiful place here, and I’m thinking about starting to save for travel. What do you think? Yueyatsuan Lake, China
This beautiful lake is actually a desert oasis located just six kilometers from Dunhuang City in Gansu Province. It really delights, especially if you traveled all day under the scorching sun and in the end saw this amazing green corner. Unfortunately, over time, the lake decreases in size, despite all the measures taken by the government and caring residents.
Dec 4th @ 9:25pm EST
The dandelion making its way through a crack in the asphalt is more to me than a neatly laid tile. Spring thaw with a murmuring spring brook more fun than dry boots.I like the endless battle of the city with nature. In this life, in this concept, in this love. Nature should remind people who are the real owners. That is why it is so cool to watch bad weather outside the window when the trees bend in the wind, turn out umbrellas and tear the iron from the roofs. And then you can forget in glass and concrete. Problems, loans, bills, the hamster quickly sifting through his clawed paws, accelerating his plastic wheel faster. And then Thor withers with lightning outside the window. A small heart will die, the bead&'s eyes will be rounded, and will flash before the eyes, and what kind of mother was beautiful in ch11ldhood, and how from the teacher she received her first favorite rag. And now a man is sitting in front of you, not a trembling creature. &' About sprouts in the asphalt, I began to write. Why am I? Oh yes, Budapest is cool, there will be an opportunity - drive.
Dec 4th @ 8:47pm EST
Guys, seems I have emerged a new dream! I want to visit this place, how do you like it? Glass beach, United States
Located near the national Park "Mackerricher" in California. Despite the fact that the beach itself looks magical in the light of day, the story of its appearance is not the most rosy. Garbage from nearby towns had been dumped on the coast for years. Broken bottles, washed by the waves of the ocean became more and more smooth, until he turned into a beautiful multi-colored stones, which are strewn all over the beach. By the way, keep in mind that it is strictly forbidden to take stones with you, but if you find a piece of glass there, you can safely take it with you for a collection of Souvenirs.
Dec 3rd @ 9:03pm EST
The First Snow
The first snow creaks on the teeth, the wind makes its way with cold hands to a warm heart. Even the most austere and prim city can afford a little gloomy chaos and anarchy.The light bipolarochka of antique palace facades and dark courtyards of wells reads like a wiped novel by Palanika. Viscous lines of tags lie on the walls, informing the shy Petersburg passerby that the empire is finished, further on the territory of Tyler Durden.And this is neither good nor bad. Frosty air freezes, frozen fingers press on the cylinder button. Do not shout that it is vandalism and we all will burn for it in hell. This is freedom. Live the way we want to live and be what we are. Man is an absolute element that creates the illusion of awareness. The city grows and flourishes according to its own laws.And this city loves words. He loves freedom. He loves poetry.
Dec 1st @ 11:41pm EST
Hey guys! How about our first date taking place in this place? ♥ Well of Jacob, Texas
Jacob's Well is a natural well with underwater caves that attract divers from all over the world. Scuba divers are not scared away even by the fact that this is not the safest place to dive. As, however, and tourists attracted by pure artesian water and legends.
Dec 1st @ 3:34am EST
Listen, would you like to have a Cup of coffee with me in this place ? Leaning tower of Pisa, Italy
The bell tower in the city of Pisa has become famous all over the world due to unintentional tilting. This attraction is still called falling, although the tower stopped tilting in 2008. The authorities are constantly concerned about strengthening the tower: columns are often restored, the Foundation is strengthened. Here you can not only take a photo, if you support the tower (this is absolutely all tourists coming here), but also to visit the inside of the tower.
Nov 30th @ 4:22am EST
Success - achievement of the goal, successful completion of tasks. It can be manifested in the development of skills, overcoming external and internal obstacles, career growth, etc.Any achievement in which a person experiences satisfaction can be considered a success.
Nov 29th @ 2:37am EST
Hey ! Would you like to spend our first date here? great barrier reef
The Great barrier reef can be viewed from the air or diving in the immediate vicinity. Lovers of the sea will be delighted. If you do not like to dive, do not worry &'" you can go to the sea on a boat with a transparent bottom, so you can see with your own eyes a variety of fauna under the water. The great barrier reef is the world's largest coral reef. It includes 900 Islands in the coral sea and about 3 thousand individual reefs.
Nov 24th @ 10:07pm EST
Alexander Pushkin
Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality. To be proud of the glory of their ancestors is not only possible, but should not respect it is shameful cowardice
Nov 24th @ 12:40am EST
Seraphim of Sarov
From the vigilant storage of the heart, a purity is born in it, for which the vision of the Lord is available, according to the assurance of Eternal Truth: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
Nov 23rd @ 2:15am EST
You are special.
Once the king came into the garden and saw the fading and dying trees, bushes and flowers.Oak said he was dying because he could not be as tall as a pine tree. Turning to the pine, the king found it to fall off because it could not produce gr4pes like a vine. And the vine was dying because it could not bloom like a rose.Soon he found one plant that pleases the heart, flowering and fresh. After questioning, he received the following answer:- I take this for granted, because when you put me in, you wanted to get joy. If you wanted an oak, gr4pe or rose, you would plant them. Therefore, I think that I cannot be anything other than what I am. And I try to develop my best qualities.You are here because existence needed you as you are! Otherwise, someone else would have been here. You are the embodiment of something special, substantial, something very important.
Nov 21st @ 2:18am EST
guys, I found an interesting fact about everyone's favorite TV series "friends"! And you knew it!?
June gable played as many as two characters in the series-agent Joe Estelle and a nurse who delivered Ross's first wife Carol.
Nov 19th @ 11:23pm EST
Would you like to spend time there with me?) Pompeii, Italy
A city with a notorious reputation. Together with most of the inhabitants, it was buried under the ashes from the eruption of mount Vesuvius in 79 ad and today it is one of the most popular attractions in Italy. For a fee, you can wander through the deserted streets (you can walk for a long time, so stock up on water). Here you can admire the ancient architecture, frescoes, mosaics. And to see the terrible: archaeologists filled the voids in the layers of ashes with plaster and received casts of people and animals in the poses in which they died.
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