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Jun 1st @ 12:16am EDT
Hot camp
The campsites were almost empty this time of year. It was right before the summer rush and right after the spring break party crowds. There was a whole group of us gathered and we just wanted to have a good time, partying on the river, swimming and just generally some good old outdoors fun. Then it started to rain and our tents soon flooded out and there we were trying to figure out what to do next. At least it was warm, but rain meant no campfire, which meant no cooking and we were starved! There was one cabin in the park and since it was empty, the rangers let us use it until the rain passed. The others went to the nearest fast food place, miles and miles away. I couldn't believe that I was actually cold but our gear was all wet and scattered around the cabin drying off. I started to shiver and felt the chattering all of the way to my toes. He looked at me and I just couldn't stop my shaking from the cold. He pulled me over to the bed and had me climb under the covers. Friends for years we were, and he climbed in next to me, rubbing me quickly up and down trying warm me up. I am not sure when his touch changed but soon he was between my legs, sliding inside of me with my knees spread wide, I was warm alright, so warm that I could feel that slick bead of sweat forming on my brow as I came and felt that liquid heat spread through my entire body. We lay there for a moment, saying nothing then I felt him stir again. I hope they get lost on the way back to the cabin!
May 30th @ 4:03pm EDT
Glee: We Are The Champions
Glee is the champion, my friends. The show kept on fighting until the almost-end. Glee is the... okay. Enough of that. You get the picture, right?While I didn't love every single minute of tonight's two-hour smorgasbord of song, season 3 is certainly attempting to finish stronger than it started.Puck as BlaineLet's talk about what I didn't like from each of tonight's two episodes and go ahead and get that nastiness out of the way, shall we?First, from "Props," I really wanted Tina's dream to last longer. It had the potential to be silly and fun and to liven the show up a bit. Imagine how funny it would be to see Puck-as-Blaine belting out a show tune. Instead, we got a literal "sing a solo in someone else's shoes" from Tina-as-Rachel and then Tina woke up and suddenly understood what it must be like to be Rachel Berry. Really? That's the best you can do?I liked Tina challenging Rachel because Tina's right. She's an original member of Glee and she's been relegated to back-up dancer. Perhaps she'll have her time to shine next season, but I couldn't help but feel for the girl just a little bit. She deserves a standing ovation, too.I was also a bit put-off with her pleading with Carmen Tibideaux on Rachel's behalf, and that's an irritation that carried over into Jesse St. James doing the same thing during "Nationals." We all know Rachel will get into NYADA, but the begging and the muffins and the voicemails and the downright stalker-like behavior was too much. Tibideaux was right. Every second she spends on Rachel's craziness is time she has to take away from another student who didn't choke at the audition. Rachel needed to hear and understand that, and while I think she did, it was still over-the-top annoying instead of over-the-top funny."Props" also helped me define what it was about Coach Beiste's domestic violence PSA that was so out of place, and I come at this from the place of someone who is a high school teacher and not only a casual viewer of the show. Mercedes, Santana and Brittany did not in any way, either now or two episodes ago, need to be involved as the impetus that made Beiste leave Cooter. Puck was enough for that.Which is what happened to be my favorite part of tonight's first hour.The Puck/Coach Beiste scenes tonight were amazing. Mark Salling and Dot Marie Jones nailed their performances and had me near tears. What worked about Puck's story line is that he didn't even know he was helping her. In reality, while a teacher may share parts of his or her personal life with the students in his or her classroom, he or she would almost never do so in the manner in which the domestic violence story line was carried out on Glee. To do so would border on a violation of professional ethics.And yes, I realize that this is the same show where the Spanish teacher who speaks no Spanish wants to move his wedding up six months so that high school students can attend, but still.
May 30th @ 4:00pm EDT
Oh, Glee. You've gone and done it. You've thrown yourself head-first into the territory of Tuesday Night Special and you don't even care. I was willing to cut you some slack with the bullying and Don't Text and Drive PSAs. I was. I was willing to just look the other way and acknowledge that as your attempt to be relevant to modern teens.But this? This week's PSA? It was straight from another planet. And I'm not talking about Brittany's suggestion that alien abductions should be the prom theme.Play It, Puck!"Choke" started off right. The girls are hanging around a locker talking in the hall about prom and the future and the things high school students talk about. Then Coach Beiste walks by and suddenly we've launched into a public service announcement about... domestic violence?Excuse me, what?Domestic violence, while a real issue, and one of which I am not making light, had - has - no place in this show and especially not with the sloppiest set-up known to man. We haven't seen Coach Beiste in weeks and suddenly she's here and being used to teach the girls a lesson that none of them seemed not to understand in the first place. And humanize Sue.The ONLY good thing to come out of this story line - aside from getting Dot Marie Jones back on my screen - was "Shake It Out." That was awesome.But I still want to know who in the writer's room decided we needed a weekly message? What happened to cohesive story lines and build-up that made sense? What happened to good story telling?Now that my frustration over that is (sort of) out of the way, let's move on to the relevant scenes from the episode.Puck needs to graduate. In true Noah Puckerman fashion, he plans to put the moves on the teacher in order to coax a passing grade out of her. And when that doesn't work, he'll just quit school and head to the West Coast a few weeks early. Until his dad shows up out of nowhere asking to borrow rent money and Puck sees himself in the future doing the same with Beth and decides that cannot happen to him.Did we even know Puck's dad was a deadbeat?The scenes with the guys rallying to help Puck and Finn's "No Man Left Behind" attitude were fun and a nice distraction from the PSA of the week. This is a show about a ragtag group of students who found themselves brought together through their mutual appreciation for glee club and the sometimes awkward friendships that formed as a result. Seeing them come together to try to help Puck pass, even if he still made an F, felt a little like the good ol' days of Glee.And speaking of the good ol' days, Kurt and Rachel's NYADA auditions helped to bring this show full circle back to the beginning of Season 1. Kurt and Rachel (and Mercedes and Finn) were, and are, the heart of this show. Kurt and Rachel, from the beginning, have been the two with the big dreams. (That's part of the reason that "Saturday Night Glee-ver" made a little sense to me.)This show has always been about Kurt and Rachel making it to New York after graduation. Now that Rachel has flubbed her audition and may not see her Broadway dreams come true, we're where we were in Season 1 - except this time Kurt's the winner that Rachel always was. He's the one coming out on top. As much as I love Rachel, as the song goes "you can't always get what you want."I don't know what Ryan Murphy and Co. plan to DO with this "twist," but I do like that someone else is getting a chance to shine. And not just because he's wearing gold lame' pants.
May 25th @ 7:10pm EDT
My air is hot!
I heard the doorbell ring and thought, finally, he is here and can fix this damn air conditioning, it is so hot in here I felt like I would melt. I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts and could just feel the sweat running between my shoulder blades. I opened the door and there he stood. He had to be almost 6'6", and was so built he had to be some type of body builder. Definitely my type, I thought. I showed him to the patio where the utility closet was and he went to work. He got sweaty so fast, and I offered him a cool drink. He drank thirstily and I could see the way his body moved as and I knew I wanted to feel all of those muscles surround me. I took off my shirt and he stared at me and I made a move, running my hand up and down his hard chest, I took his hand in mine and guided it up and down my own body. He put his hand on my shoulders and pushed me down until I kneeled before him. I opened his pants and took his huge cock into my mouth. It was thick and uncircumsized and as I stroked it revealing his head I sucked it and tasted his pre-cum already dripping from the tip. I swallowed him and it was more than he could take, he picked me up, ripped my shorts off and impaled me on his shaft, exploding instantly. He smiled at me and said that this service call was on the house before he picked up his tools and left.
May 24th @ 4:54pm EDT
Playing with wax is a popular practice Bdsm sexy and can be used in a simple or complex scene.For those who are always looking to innovate and experiment new sensations this practice can also be very exciting, the important thing is to go slowly and carefully as it can be dangerous, we must know what type of wax used, in which areas and how to apply.Then all you have to know if you're playing with candlesWhen choosing candles can be the paraffin in white, are the most common and economical, must be white because dark colored candles burn at higher temperatures, so the white is safer to the skin.Do not use:Beeswax Candles in any formGel CandlesCommon scented candlesThey can lift a lot of heat and cause burns.Once you have the appropriate candles ... playing!We light the candle we burn a few minutes for the wax begins to melt, now you! We can drop the wax on your partner.The distance is not critical for this burn, it is advisable to throw from about 20 cm away, as it cools a little in the way, we can still end up playing, experimenting, but never go too near the body.There are areas that should be avoided unless you have experience in the field, face, genitals, the area where hair is hair or nipples, you can try the belly area, midway between the breasts, legs, back and buttocks.It is recommended that by dropping the wax, it is better distributed in different parts of the body, not dropping a drop of wax on the other it may be that the collection of much wax is maintained at a point much more intense heat.When did this practice is important to consider the limits of comrades and especially common sense, if we consider the basics and do it with care can be a pleasant experience for both.
May 23rd @ 5:28pm EDT
gay cowboy?
A FILM about two cowboys who ride horses, drive pick-up trucks and fall in love with each other has delighted Hollywood and sent a shiver of horror through America's religious heartland.But real-life gay cowboys and Wild West historians say that the plot of Brokeback Mountain -- an Oscar favourite after topping the Golden Globes nominations -- is nothing new.And in a claim that is likely to outrage many rural conservatives, they say that homosexuality was an unspoken norm on the American frontier, where men were close and women were scarce.''There they were, a couple of men, alone together in isolated frontier country, for weeks or sometimes months at a time,'' says Randy Jones, 53, who was the stetson-wearing, lasso-throwing gay cowboy in the Village People and who acted as an adviser on the film.''The thought must have passed through their minds, even if they didn't act on it, because men are sexy animals. If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be so much homosexual sex in prison.''There is growing evidence to support Jones's theory. As far back as 1882, the Texas Livestock Journal wrote that ''if the inner history of friendship among the rough and perhaps untutored cowboys could be written, it would be quite as unselfish and romantic as that of Damon and Pythias''.In Greek mythology, Damon offered to be taken hostage by the despot Dionysius I so that his condemned friend, Pythias, could make a final visit home. When Pythias returned to be executed, Dionysius was so impressed by their trust that he spared both their lives.''There have been gay cowboys for as long as there have been gay people,'' says Brian Helander, a 51-year-old nurse from Arizona and president of the International Gay Rodeo Association. ''It's always been a part of the western frontier lifestyle that wasn't talked about. It was just there.''Jim Wilke, the cowboy historian, agrees. ''Many circumstances contributed to personal closeness on the ranch and trail,'' he wrote in a 1997 article. ''Cowboys commonly bedded in pairs, sharing bedrolls with their 'bunkie'.''Wilke also points to the tradition of the all-male stag dance, where cowboys could be found entertaining themselves with polkas, waltzes and quicksteps. He says homosexual acts between young, unmarried cowboys were euphemistically known as ''mutual solace'' in the 19th century.In a 1948 study of rural homosexuality by Alfred Kinsey, the controversial zoologist, it was noted that ''there is a fair amount of sexual contact among the older males in western rural areas''.His report added: ''It is a type of homosexuality that was probably common among pioneers and outdoor men. Today it is found among ranchmen, cattlemen, prospectors, lumbermen and farming groups in general. These are men who ... live on realities and on a minimum of theory. Such a background breeds the attitude that sex is sex, irrespective of the nature of the partner.''
May 21st @ 1:15pm EDT
Delicious blowjob
I made him watch. I made him sit in the corner and watch as I sucked on his big black cock. It was well over 10" and thickly veined. I loved the contrast of it against my skin he was so dark, almost like ebony. I devoured that cock and couldn't wait to have more of him than that. You were in the corner, whimpering and holding that pathetic little thing you call a cock in your hand, trying to stroke it and bring it some form of life. I enjoyed that huge dick, lapping at the pre-cum that was coming out of the tip. You could see the line of it from his cock right to my mouth as I paused to take a breath. I could feel his hands on my ass, fingering it, getting me ready as I prepared that delicious dick for my tight hole. He pushed me down on my hands and knees and told you to come closer and watch as he fucked my ass. You did as you were told and rested your face on my ass cheek watching as he fuck me hard, going in all of the way to the hilt. He fucked me, and I felt that orgasm start to build. You put your mouth on me and helped me climax just as he filled my ass with his thick, milky cum, filling me so much is started running down my ass and dripping right onto your face. You are such a good little fluffer cleaning up that sweet, sticky white mess!
May 19th @ 7:05pm EDT
Fidelity is really important? I can require my partner something that I'm not sure I could give? Is the relative faithfulness to the degree of maturity that has reached the couple? If you talk to ordinary people gay or not gay .. one of the first things you say about a relationship is about the importance of fidelity ... common positions are: "I am a dog, but when I square to trial", "if my partner is cheating on me I let a", "My partner can be unfaithful, but on condition that I did not account" . That there is really behind this requirement of fidelity? Presumably, if one is with someone that is really want it, nobody forces, fidelity must be something that comes naturally, since we have no need to look at someone else already has with the couple. This is supposed to be a building process with someone and going to try something else does not really make much sense. At this point I think it important to stop and define two types of infidelity: Infidelity infidelity body and heart, and many will disagree but if we look from a very personal point of view can be given.Infidelity body, defined as one in which no-show or sought any kind of relationship with the person and the relationship is this only based on the sexual. There are many relationships that end in this type of infidelity. But I think it's a situation that can be forgiven, the truth does not have to go so far to end a relationship, much less when the construction process is a robust process. But what can you forgive? The fact that this couple does not mean that you physically stop like everyone else, so it is not unreasonable that such situations can be given. Look at it from the point of view as an individual. One being completely in love with your partner, you could physically much like another person and if the media and the situation is one could be tempted, especially when you are completely sure it is someone with whom you know that there is no such emotional roll and you may never see again. Under these circumstances one asks, if I can fall, my partner does not? . I will end all built by one of which even he knows the name? In this type of infidelity is important to clarify to be unintended, made with the assurance that there is no way that your partner finds out and, more importantly, not worth repeating. Many couples after a long time to accept and agree regarding the validity of such circumstances.Infidelity of heart is one in which couples try to have something more to find someone who is single bed. That if I perish complicated because it is a sign that something is wrong. I think that one before you talk to another person should talk to your partner to see what is happening. It is not easy to find someone with whom you want to build, so you should be extremely careful in these situations. It is when there is the famous phrase: "I prefer to throw and not invite him to eat." Complicated position, but do not be creating parallel relationships around the world, as there are feelings involved it is important to protect and care for.Infidelity is valid or not .. a dilemma
May 19th @ 7:03pm EDT
ready to have fun
COME ON GUYS I WANT MORE FUN....hello my friends I am here!!!!yeah the grand KEIZZER ready for more as more; I was thinking about in how will be my comeback? and the truth is that I am so very happy of be here, you don't know, I was waiting a lot for this day and I want have a big fun, only you think in this in the so many things that we could to be, only I hope that you do want, I will be waiting for you, want dance and give you a great streper show and jerk off for you mmmmm I am totally ready . hola mis amigos que estoy aqu!!S, el gran KEIZZER listo para ms como algo ms, yo estaba pensando en cmo ser mi regreso? y la verdad es que estoy muy feliz de estar aqu, no lo s, yo estaba esperando mucho por este da y quiero tener una gran diversin, slo se piensa en esto en las tantas cosas que podramos a ser, slo espero que usted quiere, voy a estar esperando por ti, quiero bailar y le dar un show streper grande y masturbarse para ti mmmmm estoy totalmente listo.i hope to see u reallly soon on mny room having fun together LETS ENJOYYYYYYYYY YEAHHHHH
May 19th @ 7:01pm EDT
coming out
Coming out? one of the big questions that has to solve a gay ... I am the son of a man to sit orgullso to put the horns to his wife and for which the jump appears to skirt much the way it makes you feel alive. When I finally accepted .. process was not easy on me ... one of my biggest concerns was that my family would not know ... think of possible rejection or worse in that they were found out by others and face the situation that I was more panic ... it affected my relationship, and not accepting any kind of approach in a different room of my apartment .. the room had sales and perhaps the neighbor had never seen affront could be friends of the house, which is one hour by plane .. sounds paranoid but it was the feeling at that moment ... Time passed and each time I felt more comfortable with my situation and I accept myself more and I did have the strength to tell the story to my family .. although the force had not had the desire .... however, a January 1 after a long holiday and year-end celebration of the birthday of my father ... this drunk approached me and asked, What about you? Tell me? Because he lives in Bogot and not only moves in with her sister who is in the same city? Now people say? And that's where I called my mother and I incorporated that into the conversation ... she tried to calm my father .. who insisted on asking .. Tell me what's wrong? But tell me the truth? At that time I was in the dilemma of choosing metirle my family which I never do or say the truth .... Make one last attempt to leave the situation decently, and with you pregute male: quire sure you know the answer? and he answered me "I direct that tell me" well ... look at my mother ... sigh and digestible, "If I'm gay and I like men" ... then I was relieved, and guilty ..... deconsertado My father stood up crying and banged on the wall saying that it was impossible for him to be the male as a child out fag .. but immediately turned around and told me ... "I care not even so much and now I love you I love you more" .. It was these words that medieron tranquility .. but just could not stop feeling guilty about the damage it was causing ... Moreover my mother just hugged me and said ... "I do not understand as being my son .. I contastes anything ... can not possibly had gone through all this without alone without the support of the family .. . do not ask me this happy about that ... it hurts me that I've said before ... perhaps questions you want? " It was a pretty traumatic scene ... but I have found that although all the world our parents vestments in the background much like us ... it was not easy to start .. immediately change the flight and return to Bogota the next day .. the following months were months in which they sat down to the idea and in one way or another we began a different relationship dynamics. Today my father talked little about the subject, and I respect that is their decision and I can not obliogarlo to accept on to their friends who have a gay son ... talked with my mother knows more frequent live with my partner and I asked about the talk and occasionally ..... Just a recommendation ... if you talk to your family please sure that you accept yourself and want enough ...
May 19th @ 6:51pm EDT
my brother-in-law
I remember that from the first day my sister introduced us to her boyfriend the whole family, Rodrigo (so called) stared at me in a weird way it seemed the combination of the look of an older brother with that of someone who would like undress and pounce on me.I tried to ignore her gaze, not only that first time, but every time I saw him in the hall waiting for my sister finished ready to go out. However, I must say that in the end, I liked to look at me like that and almost accidentally started talking to the beyond simple greetings and after some time, I had become a friend.Rodrigo was 36 years (fourteen more than me), was an engineer and had a very well paid. I was then studying in college and I was doing with passion to bodybuilding. He also seemed interested in everything related to muscle development, but did not come regularly to the gym due to time, if I had a fairly well-proportioned body and strong. I often gave the latest issues of magazines as "Muscle & Fitness" and brought me vitamins, supplements and clothing of his frequent trips to Miami.The interest demonstrated Rodrigo made me feel very well, since neither my sister nor my parents took seriously my passion for the muscles, although, to be honest - I facilitated without the economic problems that allowed me to acquire the necessary and move on.By then, my relationship with Sergio, my instructor and lover, and had more than a year and a half and I felt fine with it, although I noticed that had started to get jealous and upset, coming to yell at me, when did that I was looking at someone else or not I concentrated on the exercises. And is that the image of Rodrigo (and disturbing look) never left my mind. Apparently Steroids had become more irritable Sergio addition to having earned several kilos of muscle worked very well. In my, I had not felt they had the effect of making me more aggressive.After spending several months in this situation, to my surprise, one day I found Rodrigo waiting at the exit of the gym so I went home with him. Since this situation began to be repeated often enough, that Sergio had caused more attacks of jealousy.I remember it was a Saturday afternoon, the day after the sixth or seventh time that Rodrigo had picked me up at the gym. Sergio went to the department, with the intention of going out with him and then stay overnight. Everything was fine, we were both almost naked caressing, when I happened to mention that Rodrigo had promised to bring some briefs "Speedo" on your next trip to that used them on the beach next summer. Sergio was furious. He said that accepting gifts was not to drive my brother, who surely wanted something with me. It was not the first time we discussed, but never seen him like he was beside himself. I tried to ignore it but it bothered him more and jumped on me ready to hit. I could not believe what was happening. I tried to defend but, in fact I never learned to fight. Then throw a few punches dodged half, Sergio hit me in the testicles, my legs are bent with pain and fell to the ground. He pinned me aplicndome a key in the throat while his other hand squeezed my balls. I had never felt such pain, but inexplicably, I felt at once, pleasure too.He seemed to be enjoying my suffering and helplessness. He stopped for a moment to squeeze my balls and took my penis. First gently stroked it and then began to pull on, as if to arrancrmelo. I tried to scream but Sergio had his arm around my neck and I could hardly breathe. The tears began to slip from my eyes. Then surged to key and left me lying on the ground. I had not had time to recover even when I felt his body on mine and felt his cock stiff trying to break through my buttocks. I could not defend myself and I entered at once, without using lubricant or preservative, causing me terrible pain. After that ended he went to the shower, leaving me on the floor, humiliated and in pain. To my surprise I noticed that, despite everything, I had an orgasm.The next day, Sunday, my parents and my sister went to church and then to lunch with Grandma. After what happened to Sergio, I did not feel like going with them so I stayed home alone. Soon came Rodrigo and said that everyone was where the grandmother, asked if I could go for a little chat. A little surprised I said yes, but since I had come down from my room, alone with a boxer the best subiramos told me to go I do not catch cold.He said he had noticed when I arrived the night before that something was wrong. I told him everything. After hearing me, made some remarks "with that big body to defend yourself should know better, but of course if you get hit in the balls, there are no muscles that are worth" also told me several times "that guy is dangerous, you must be very with care. "Speaking with him, I felt wrapped in a warm numbing atmosphere was like talking to my brother. But at that time before he could say anything, Rodrigo started rubbing my balls and asked me "and still hurt?. I had an erection. Smiled said" I think it no "and pushed me gently on the bed. Began to stroke and say things like "you're pretty cuadito." His hands roamed my chest, my thighs, my arms. I removed and boxer and sucked my cock, then went corrindomela until I ejaculated. We spent a few minutes quietly, saying nothing. Only I felt his fingers moving rhythmically on my chest, playing with semen. But I wanted more and soon was back to get an erection. I put on a smile and started to undress. not opposed.His chest was broad, strong and hairy, like his whole body. He was slightly overweight but that did not do it less attractive. When I took off my pants I noticed he had a huge, thick cock that was presented before me erect and inviting me to feel wet in my mouth. I accepted the invitation and began to lick it with relish. Rodrigo held my head and played with my hair while I sucked it.After that, he took the initiative. He stood on the bed letting crossed, my legs up and started beating my ass with the tip of his penis. I was dying of desire to feel it inside me. But he stopped, reached into his pants and pulled out a condom and put it quickly returned to the load. This time I introduced him making me feel an intense wave of pleasure. As I entered his hands gripped my chest and played with my balls.Then we made up and we were so strung when the phone rang. No separate headset and took the said. It was my grandmother who asked if I felt better and if I wanted to send me lunch. I told her not to worry, I already felt much better and would go home at a later time. I hung up and continued until Rodrigo and I ended up at the same time.Then we went together to the house of the grandmother and the rest of the afternoon passed "normally".After that time sexual encounters were repeated frequently until Rodrigo traveled to America to stay after my sister and separated.Do not see him again.
May 19th @ 6:31pm EDT
The announcement last week that Barack Obama said that if re-elected legalize gay marriage is still kicking. This time it was the magazine 'Newsweek' who hand gay journalist Andrew Sulliban reviews the controversial decision to Obama under the headline, "Barack Obama, the first president gay.With a close-up photograph of U.S. President crowned with a halo of the gay flag, as in the case of a saint, the magazine has in the article how he came to accept gay marriage, what else is behind that decision and what are their consequences.Start counting as in 2007, the journalist was found covering a fundraising event for the Obama campaign, when a woman approached the now president and said, "My son is gay. Do not understand why he can not marry with the person you love. It is very disappointing to me ", to which Obama replied, looking into his eyes:" I want your child to have the same rights and equality that marriage brings, but call it marriage has a religious connotation. I that civil unions are the way forward ".What has happened since that day? Why have you changed your mind? Many have dismissed as opportunism to the increasingly close elections next December. As shown in the publication one in six donors to his campaign is gay and "he needs the money." You also need the support of the youth vote very supportive to the cause of homosexuals in the U.S.. In addition, recent surveys indicate a significant increase in support for gay marriage in society.But Newsweek says Obama's decision responds to a long party that started playing long ago. The magazine points out that behind Obama's decision is also the president's fight for civil rights.Thus, comparing as he had to 'come out' to be a black kid who struggle with the struggle of homosexuals for decades to have the same rights as heterosexual couples."He was a black boy raised by his white grandparents and white single mother in Hawaii and Indonesia (...) Barack Obama had to go a different wardrobe. Had to find his black identity and then reconciled with his white family, the Like homosexuals discover their homosexual identity and then has to reconcile with his heterosexual family, "the article
May 19th @ 6:27pm EDT
Franois Hollande pledges support for gay marriage in France
Support for gay marriage is high in France so if the Socialists win in the parliamentary elections, the laws for both gay marriage and gay adoption may be changing soon. Currently France offers a civil union agreement (PACS) which is available to all couples, which is very popular. It's an easy process and does guarantee many rights though not as much as marriage.More on gay marriage in France from Pink News: A communiqu issued by the office of the prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, who took office on 15 May, marked the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia yesterday with a pledge to put the president's manifesto promise into law. It said: "On the occasion of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the Prime Minister reaffirmed the Government's commitment against violence and discrimination perpetrated as a result of sexual orientation or gender identity. "The Government is determined to challenge prejudice and to put an end to discrimination and violence. It will implement the commitment of the President of the Republic to the right to marriage and adoption to gay couples."The polls that I've seen show support for gay marriage and adoption at around 63% from this time last year and earlier in 2012.
May 19th @ 6:22pm EDT
do u hear?
One of the major problems that exist in any interpersonal relationship is listening ... that there was much talk and not pretend to be repetitive ... But .. to do when your partner does not listen? What do all of any claims and / or disagreement always has the perfect answer to relieve the time but not the substance of the matter ...? Wanted spaces, spoken in tones difeerentes and it's like not really understand what is meant .. or is afraid to face the reality of the statement .... the fact is that if things are spoken and clarified between the two ... accumulation end issues .. always end up popping out somewhere ... And I hear?Just a few days back from my vacation and I find that a very good friend, traveled to Argentina to see his former partner (who was here and left him 7 months ago) to see if there is something and this so on with your life ....Because sometimes it is so difficult to peel? Because when we end up with someone does not believe that life exists in the new possibilities, even better than before? That the fear of change, when you know that today is not healthy? In that time I more than I value what I value my partner or former partner and put limits on my relationship ....? It is possible to get so close to someone not be able to see a life without this person? Is this healthy? When it's good to let it go?
May 10th @ 5:06pm EDT
Winning the lottery... not much, but enough!
What a nice way to start the day! Every Sunday morning, I walk to the deli by my house and grab a bagel and newspaper to start my morning. As I was strolling down the street this morning, I noticed something small and shiny leaning against the curb. I picked it up and realized it was a lottery scratch off ticket. It hadn't been scratched off. I looked around to see if there was anyone looking for something on the ground or walking around nearby. It was just me up at this hour of the morning. Feeling a little guilty for taking it, I stuck the ticket in my pocket and continued to the deli. I completely forgot about the ticket in my pocket. A few hours after I finished reading the paper, I was about to jump in the shower and I felt the ticket in my pocket. I sat back down and started scratching. It was a winner! I scratched off one $200 dollar square, then another $200 square - I only need one more $200 square to win. The last square was a Doubler! I won a total of $400 on the scratch off. I've decided to donate half of my winnings to my favorite charity to take away some of the guilt.
May 3rd @ 4:07pm EDT
The Woods
One day not long ago. It was yesterday as a matter of fact. I was walking through the woods behind my house. I was heading towards my favorite spot in the woods. I would occasionally go there to read a book, or jack-off. When I had reached my favorite spot, I heard moaning coming from a patch of dense underbrush several feet away. I quietly walked over to investigate.nnWhen I found a spot where I could easily see what was going on I noticed, that there were two men in a clearing just on the other side of the brush. I recognized both of them, almost immediately. One of their names was James, the other Danny. James was my neighbor, Danny was just his friend.nnJames is 18 or 19 he had graduated the prior school year, so had Danny. James was short, blond, and fairly muscled. Danny on the other hand was tall, and lanky. He had dirty blond hair. They were good friends they liked to drink, smoke marijuana together. They were both cocky and arrogant.nn...Back to the Story...nnFrom my hiding spot in the brush I could see James had his head between Danny's legs. Danny had his head between James' legs. I quietly pulled out my video camera, and started filming. James and Danny were 69'ing! They were the straightest acting guys I knew. They had both had their fair share of pretty women.nnI stood there in awe watching these two skinny, but muscular men sucking each other's cocks. I kept on filming. I stood their quietly. I could feel my own dick rising in my shorts. But I didn't dare touch it at the risk of giving away my location.nnJames stood up, and so did Danny. They stood in front of each other and gave each other a long passionate kiss. They kissed for several minutes, almost seemed like hours. Then James pointed at the ground and Danny got on all fours on the ground and James mounted behind him. James started pushing his thick cock into Danny's asshole. Surprisingly Danny wasn't having any reservations. He didn't even flinch when James' cock brutally assaulted his prostate. A closer look at Danny's face showed that he was actually enjoying James' cock in his ass. He seemed to have a very loose asshole. He had probably done it before.nnDanny was getting pounded harshly in the ass by James for several minutes before Danny suggested they change positions. James stopped fucking Danny and laid on his back. With his hard cock, billowing in the slight, but ever present summer breeze.nnDanny crawled over and sat on James' cock, and started bouncing on it faster than James had been fucking his ass just seconds before hand. Danny's own erection was looking James in the face almost like a snake ready to strike at any moment. James started moaning with each thrust Danny dealt him. James' moans became less frequent ass James' lungs begged for air. Soon, James' face was turning red. Then let out a roar that could rival that of an angry lion. I guessed that he had just came in Danny's ass. Danny threw his head back and moaned. He blew a modest load on James' face and chest.nnDanny smirked a said simply, "My turn."nnAlmost as if James had been struck with a whip. He rolled over on his stomach and got on his hands and knees. Danny crawled behind him, and rammed 4 inches of his cock into James' ass in one big thrust. James didn't leap forward or anything he didn't even flinch. But James did start moaning really loudly. He was moaning so loudly that he sacred several crows out of a nearby tree. Every time Danny moved his cock. James moaned and gasped. I could tell that James was really enjoying Danny's cock.nnDanny's thrust got less abusive with each thrust. Soon James was sitting atop Danny's cock bouncing on it rapidly, almost screaming at the top of his lungs. He slowed down occasionally. For his lungs to gasp for air, but to no avail. Soon James' face was turning red. James was moaning and panting, when Danny grabbed James' hips and rammed his cock deep into James asshole. Yelling, "Oh, FUUUUCKKKK!" as he came in his friends ass. James let out a fierce raspy scream as he blew his second load on Danny's face and chest.nnDanny and James cleaned up. After they took a break and smoked some weed. I got the whole thing on film and have been enjoying it since
Apr 20th @ 1:13pm EDT
Living solo!
A few months ago, I finally saved enough money to move out of my parent's house. I should have been out of the house years ago but in this tough economy, it took several years to save enough money. Sure I could have eaten out less, vacationed less and bought a much less expensive car, but my parents weren't pushing me out and the rent was cheap. I started looking for a one bedroom apartment not too far from my parent's house (Mom will still be doing my laundry after all!) for myself and my dog. I immediately realized that there are almost no apartments that allow dogs in my area. The few that did allow dogs were not in the best area of town. I was starting to get frustrated with my search. I sat down with my parents and they suggested that I look at condos or small cottages instead of apartments. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that kind of commitment but my options were slim if I was going to have a dog. I decided that I might as well take the plunge into real estate while home prices and interest rates are low. So the home search begins!
Apr 13th @ 2:17pm EDT
The Supernatural... wow.
I was never much of a believer in the supernatural, ghosts and spirits and the like. That is until I visited my parent's at their new house last week. Over the past few months, during our weekly phone call, my mother has been trying to convince me that the house they moved into recently is haunted. My mother has a great imagination and loves to talk so, although I did not believe her, I enjoyed her many ghost stories. She said that lights would go on and off at will throughout the house, she could hear voices coming from the back of the house and from time to time she would feel a presence in the room with her. I have to admit, their new house is a little creepy. I felt a weird vibe when I first walked through the door. I didn't think much about the stories that my mother had told me until a few hours after I arrived for my visit. I was unpacking in the guest room and I felt like someone was there with me. When I turned around I was alone. Later that night, I laid in bed trying to fall asleep and I felt someone gently touch my shoulder. Again, I was alone. I am still skeptical but there was definitely some sort of "energy" in that house.
Mar 23rd @ 9:57pm EDT
gentle at first
He was gentle at first, seeing if I was alright with his thickness. He was more eager to find out if I could take his length! Guys are so proud of their dicks!After he was sure my ass could stretch enough to take his girth, he slowly pushed in... further and further. I gasped a couple of times as my ass accommodated his cock. I few more times all the way in, and all the way out, he wasnt going to waste any more time being gentle!While he was partially in my ass, he let out a good amount of saliva, right onto my hole. He finished lubing my ass but pushing in and out a little. Then, it was on.This guy was not only hot and hung, but he knew what he was doing. Theres nothing better than watching a man get off by pleasuring himself with my ass. He was no longer testing the waters, so to speak, he was f*cking me like a caveman! LOL - He had his hands around my muscular waist, pulling me toward him with my hip bones, ensuring his cock was reaching as far inside me as possible.He would slow down every now and then, probably so he wouldnt cum. He would lean over and kiss my neck, lick my nipples, and caress my biceps and abs before he started pounding my hole again. I loved watching him thrust himself inside me, and the sweat dripping down his torso.Before he was about to cum, he grabbed onto my shoulders and pushed himself in my as hard as he could. I was really happy he was the type of guy who didnt slow down to cum, he just kept at it until he was empty.
Mar 15th @ 5:56pm EDT
I love kissing!
The other day I met some people online from a part of the world I could only imagine. It sounded so wonderful, and I fondly remember dreaming about traveling to other places someday!nnFor as long as I can remember, I have wanted to see the world. All I know is South America, and not even all of it! Mostly Colombia, where I am from. I hear amazing stories about Europe, the US, and even Canada. I cant wait for the day I can take a world tour! LOLnnUntil then, I can spend much time with you all here online, and learn more about where I would like to go while at the same time learning more about YOU! Im super social, which is why this type of work is great for me.nnThe cultural aspect is amazing. From language to food, and everything in between, although those two things both relate to the mouth. LOL Hmmm...nnSpeaking of mouths... I had an amazing kiss the other night. Im usually the one to make the first move. Ive always been forward like that. The other night though I was feeling a little shy, and was only hanging out with my friends. It was fun, we had some drinks, and I actually noticed a hot guy across the bar.nnMuscled with amazing eyes... you know the ones, just beautiful and full of life. I had only turned around briefly to say something to a friend when I felt someones hand on my back. Thinking it was one of my friends, I turned and said, what! - LOL - He told me what with that amazing kiss I was telling you about. It didnt go further than that other than some talking, but Ill remember that kiss forever.
Feb 24th @ 11:37am EST
Another week gone!
Hey men! It has been a great week! I have been working a lot, and working out a lot with my friends. Today I did not realize it was Friday, and am looking forward to spending some quality time with you all. The week flew by really fast. So amazing. Between school, work, and the gym, who has time!? LOL No seriously, I have been more dedicated to all my choices, including my time on cam with you. I have only been doing this type of work for about two months, and so far so good. I have been working extra hard in the gym to trim down a bit more and work on muscle mass. Anyone who knows about physical fitness, or is into it too, knows just how fanatical we can get. Being in the gym helps me clear my head and focus more on the important things for me. For now, those things are keeping in shape, getting good grades in school, and spending quality time with my friends and family... OH, and work! LOL Okay guys, I hope to spend more time with you all. Like I said, it has been good so far, and really want to know you better, so please do not be shy! I am much more than muscle, ok!? LOL Ciao. - Jax
Feb 14th @ 9:12am EST
Im back guys
hello my friends I am here!!!!yeah the grand KEIZZER ready for more as more; I was thinking about in how will be my comeback? and the truth is that I am so very happy of be here, you don't know, I was waiting a lot for this day and I want have a big fun, only you think in this in the so many things that we could to be, only I hope that you do want, I will be waiting for you, want dance and give you a great streper show and jerk off for you mmmmm I am totally ready . hola mis amigos que estoy aqu!!S, el gran KEIZZER listo para ms como algo ms, yo estaba pensando en cmo ser mi regreso? y la verdad es que estoy muy feliz de estar aqu, no lo s, yo estaba esperando mucho por este da y quiero tener una gran diversin, slo se piensa en esto en las tantas cosas que podramos a ser, slo espero que usted quiere, voy a estar esperando por ti, quiero bailar y le dar un show streper grande y masturbarse para ti mmmmm estoy totalmente listo.i hope to see u reallly soon on mny room having fun together LETS ENJOYYYYYYYYY YEAHHHHH
Jul 29th @ 1:11pm EDT
I am very happy
hi guys thanks for the webcam make me feel important to you and your life is what she wants MOST That we are happy playing together and doing fun Things ...... you are the Most Beautiful Personalities That Has Happened In My Life
Jul 23rd @ 4:42pm EDT
There are no "good" teachers.
Being a student university has great privileges, especially to imagine that teacher, who looks back to the class a semi tight pants, or sit delights more than one with the fabric glued to your thighs, you can fulfill your every whim sex. Because teachers can also teach many things to his students, a good kind of sex is not over, especially if the theory becomes practice.
Jul 7th @ 2:50pm EDT
guys back soon !!!
hey great keizzer Cichid back soon, I'm putting in shape to be the same keizzer before, a big man, handsome and very hungry to play with you, I hope to lean back and get back to hubicarme as before, I love you all and hope back to my room that I will return more ornate than before. a kiss for everyone. keizzer
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